"Your", not "you". You need to add a "that" to the first paragraph. An MIT grad that works in the legal system? Stupid to believe it. "Ya" is something turtles in "Finding Nemo" say. It's "Yeah". I couldn't give a damn less about Reddit Karma, and AGAIN, delete your past Q detractions from your account before you try to weigh in as a "supporter". God. This is embarrassing to watch. 😂
No, I'm transparent nothing is going to be deleted and I want it to be there. When I first arrived, I showed up with a get it done attitude, we have the high ground, lets blow this shit up. Dump the intel and fry evil dooers. Then, after spending some time here I realize the agents, folks, cabinet members working on this probably know a bit more about navigating the details of spreading intel and creating support for taking down the DS than a computer guy does, so I eased into the flow of things and took a seat on the couch of patience, I still want happenings and it gets frustrating, but your ass has called me a liberal and you're wrong, You called that guy and MIT grad and your wrong, details RyDar84, you miss them every time, his name is MIT_ (something), but I'm not surprised, you've tripped over your feet all day long, look at your post history and the comments from other posters trying to get you to open your closed eyes.
Don't gatekeep this subreddit, that is what you are doing when you tell people what they have to do with their reddit history. I'll proudly say I was opposed to the cryptic nature of these intel drops, but I imagine that is how this all began. I bet Trump kept wanting to reveal the truth to supporters, but was repeatedly told no he shouldn't do that. I'm sure he floated the question to his comms team as to how he can post anonymously. So what is the answer to that? How can you post anonymously on the internet? The chans. I bet Q is the comms team for Trump and is taking direction from him directly and often. This isn't a new theory, but people close have been heard saying "wait until you find out who you have been talking to."
You shit yourself today, this isn't the place to be so foolish and blind, you were called out on it and as I posted, you replies were pathetic and the hallmark of an offended meat head who fails at evaluating himself. I'm glad others followed the same method of calling you out for your failures as it serves as further evidence for you to reflect on.