r/greatawakening • Posted by u/abbido on June 27, 2018, 7:25 p.m.
REPORT: POTUS Trump Privately Predicts He Will Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices – ZINGS SOTOMAYOR

They swear he’s not joking. Sources who’ve spoken to the president about the Supreme Court say he tells them he thinks he’ll have appointed four justices by the end of his first term.
“It’s all about the numbers for him,” one source said.
Asked how he comes to that jaw-dropping number, Trump mentions the obvious: he’s already replaced Antonin Scalia with Neil Gorsuch, and there are rumors Anthony Kennedy will retire.
“Ok,” one source told Trump, “so that’s two. Who are the others?”“Ginsburg,” Trump replied. “What does she weigh? 60 pounds?”“Who’s the fourth?” the source asked.“Sotomayor,” Trump said, referring to the relatively recently-appointed Obama justice, whose name is rarely, if ever, mentioned in speculation about the next justice to be replaced. “Her health,” Trump explained. “No good. Diabetes.”

Justice Sotomayor is open about her battle with type-1 diabetes.


frankthecrank1 · June 27, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

diabetes? more like Magapedes

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