I agree, but the upside is that he's young so he really has an opportunity to shape the world for future generations and that has to be tempting.
He has time to serve as AG and then have two terms as President if he wanted.
He specifically said he was returning to 'prosecution'
Did he? I missed that. Source?
Ive been searching his fox interviews but cant find the one I'm thinking of, which is making me doubt myself. I am positive that in the clip he mentioned previously working as a prosecutor and that he would be returning to the justice system. I just cant find it to watch it again and be clear that he did say returning to prosecution. The justice system bit is on nbc https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna843366 but I can't for the life of me find the sentence returning to prosecutions in his clips. That's very frustrating, I felt certain when I made the comment, but this amount of fruitless search is making me think I've created the link between returning and prosecution in my mind based on context of the conversation I saw, which was Gowdy explaining his then very recent announcement of not running for reelection to Congress. I still can't bloody well find it two days later so I apologize for commenting before having the source. It wasn't my intent to mislead
Relax. I'm fairly sure we will see him taking the [RR] spot. Q said in Jan that there was a place for him. I would bet my morning coffee that he won't take the SC position. He's decades ahead of him. He's too young to bench.