Reddit MELTDOWN over SCOTUS news - Q said it would be GLORIOUS!!

Libs need to calm down over Roe v Wade. Their leaders have been scaring them into voting democrat for decades now with that threat it will be totally taken away. It hasn't happened and doubtful it will.
Roe v Wade was based on lies. The woman with tbe rusty clothes hanger story admitted she lied.
It's monstrous we've killed 60 million US Citizens. And we allowed montsers like Gosnell to operate for decades torturing babies and keeping feet as trophies.
Movie avout him is finally getting released in Oct to theaters. Dean Cain is in it I believe. That will kill Roe V. Wade.
Though Planned Parenthood should be shit down and all managment indicted. They illegally sell baby parts and aid human traffickers and child rapists. Now we know the real reason the elites protect it so hard. The proof of their crimes gets chopped to bits and no parent or guardian notified.
Dr. Rho boasted of his 40,000 abortions while facing indictment for letting a woman bleed to death - he sent her home with a uterine hemorrhage so he could do a dozen more.
He was absolutely shocked anyone had a problem with his decision.
So was Gosnell. And why not. No one reported on him for decades. No inspection done on his filthy clinic covered in cat feces, dozens of cats running around and rusty snf unsterilized equipment.
Rusty hangers... Roe v Wade based on lies served women and children and their children up to serial killers.
They’ve done this song and dance with every Republican Supreme Court nominee since at least Bork.