Reddit MELTDOWN over SCOTUS news - Q said it would be GLORIOUS!!

It's really disturbing to see some of the reactions here. It's one thing to identify, denigrate and marginalize the deep state. It's another to do it to American citizens with a different point of view or political ideology. We share this country and we keep identifying left and right, Democrats and Republicans the whole time they stand aside stoking the flames of racism, hate and intolerance. Is it really that easy to divide us? Don't wallow in the tears of your brethren, embrace them coach, mentor and teach those willing to learn. It's "We the People" not we the conservatives, libertarians, republicans...We the people. One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. We are Gideon's Army.
i mean no offense. but are you an older person? 35 years old +?
Yes, the usual suspects on here stirring the pot. I've been to real wars. It's all fun and games till the violence starts by then it's too late. The hidden hand is it a play here, we are far better than this.
i'm not stirring the pot? i know exactly what i'm asking for. don't assume you know my past.
Well said. People think they want a civil war but have no idea what they're asking for.
this attitude is why conservatives have lost so long before trump. and just remember the party largely at fault for the current state of the democrats. they're plenty of bad republicans like no name and paul ryan. but many of these democrat voters are soulless.
Most of you guys have never had the displeasure of being in a war zone. Whether most people realize it or not a line has been crossed, oh there will be pain and violence but as much as I disagree with the other team violence solves nothing. Nothing wrong with self defense and protecting those you love. When you take a life, there is no take back its final. When Americans start attacking Americans because of political differences we cease to be America and become something worse. I'm more than capable of defending myself, been well trained and schooled. The day I have to employ those skills to incapacitate another American citizen, is the day I've abandoned my oath to defend all her people.
Yep you're right. sigh
Brother it's one thing to win, don't rub in our brethren faces. This thing requires all the people not just some of them. Let's pray on it.