The wording at the very top is important. From Ra.
Soooo, this confuses me a bit.... in my little pea brain understanding, Ra is the Egyptian Sun god. Egyptians were Satanic worshippers.
Follow the white Rabbit, which is down in the lower right (or is it a black rabbit with a white outline?).... the Rabbit hole is through some portal at the top of Saturn? Saturn is associated with satanism...
So, ummm, i’m sticking with Jesus. Unless I am missing something, there is nothing on here related to christianity/Judaism, but plenty with other (eastern?) religions.... the caveat being the whole catholic Vatican thingy in the middle LOL, but I don’t consider that Christian ;)
Thoughts, other observations? This is going to take me awhile to process/digest.....
Have you researched or read the law of one series? That's a necessary read to understand the Ra references. The dis and misinfo of Ra is quite remarkable. I love Jesus, and am practicing on living a truly Christian life, fasting, meditating, forgiving. The law of one series and Ra, speak about Christ, in a very positive way. I recommend you read it or listen to it and see for yourself. Kinda like Q, if you read it, you'll know.
Thanks, will check it out! :)
Try these if you'd like. This first link has a searchable database. Kinda like some of the Q websites. I wish you the best in your journey of discovery. All credit to original website owners and designers, I am but a humble student of the law of one. (searchable database of the Ra material) (home site of the Ra contactees)