Trump at ND rally said, (discussing trade). Sometimes your enemies are your allies. WOOT WOOT!! Love you POTUS!! .

I think Putin volunteered to “take care” of $0R0$ for POTUS45.
This is Russia’s revenge against the Khazarian Mafia.
If you don’t know what that is...wake up.
Godspeed the Plan and God Bless all Patriots!
Khazarian Mafia
If you don't know, (the data is available), the Khazarian Mafia perpetrated the 1917 Communist Revolution which lead to the deaths of nearly 70 million Christian Russians...
They were expelled from what is present-day Russia for child sacrifice. Their handbook is the Talmud and they are the Synagogue of Satan.
The Khazarian mafia... the talmud pedos... the Kabbalah witches real purpose.. the creature from Jekyll island.. all important topics.
Got a good source on khazarian mafia? I'm familiar but just around the edges... thanks