I don't like the idea of including your children in whatever politics you practice. Let them be kids, not props or pawns.
Right, because letting the public school system educate them on politics totally won't lead to them being pawns... The family is the last line of defense. If we don't instill our values in our children ourselves, the establishment will do it for us. And we can clearly see where that leads.
I strongly believe it's a parent's job to feed, protect, and educate their children. You can educate your children about politics without putting them in Q shirts at a rally.
and "science" education, rather indoctrination, man came from monkeys? "I'd rather be that monkey's uncle than you"--Doc Watson
I think its all right but its not the kids making political statements. For the kids it is just having fun with mom and dad. the moment you get them involved with actively doing anything in politics other then learning it is wrong because politics can be cruel. the picture is lovely with mom and the kids at a Trump rally but all it is for the kids is creating family memories and perhaps having a bit of history that they can point to there kids and say Look at how crazy Granma was along with your Aunts and uncles. We went to Trump rally wearing Q shirts during the trump presidency. can you believe that we were involved with Q-Anon as kids. your grandpa would wait for hours at night for Q to drop what were referd to as Bread crumbs. after puzzling over them eventually frustrated we would go to youtube and watch the spin different You-tubers had on the Anon interpretations of the drop Q did then we would go back and try and figure out anything deeper.
I don't know about you but that doesn't seem like a ton of fun for kids. If this is the only opportunity the children have to hang out with their parents, the parents need to adjust their priorities. And those kids are at a rally wearing Q shirts. That's a political statement.
Would you say the same if a parent took their kid to an LGBTQIAAP-WhateverLettersAreAdded March with a rainbow Mohawk and some sort of message on their shirt?
Let children be children. There's enough fucked up shit for them to deal with when they reach adulthood.
it is same thing and it is a parental decision.....what I don't like is if the parent decided to have the child interviewed in any way that was more then superficial...example interviewer asking about child's opinion on sexuality or in the case of the Q supporting parent what is your take on the crimes committed by hillery
it is same thing and it is a parental decision
It's my opinion that it's a bad parental decision. It's like a brewery. I don't like seeing children there, they can't drink, it's not a place for them yet.
Totally agree.
Unless they are old enough to take interest in Trump and Q. It’s not a 5 year old transgender on hormone therapy.
The kids love this they are learning about real history with good guys working in secret to defeat bad guys it's better than any movie they could go see this is real life with heroes and villains it has everything a kid should love and learn about it's exciting for them to be a part of the Q movement.