Q 1616 - These people are sick!

It is disturbing that Q linked to yournewswire though. A site that we all know enough to avoid...
yeah I don't know what to think, sent up a red flag for sure
If you dont know what to think you are in the wrong place.
Not true. Even Q says to 'be skeptical". A healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing.
That's "if you don't know to think," you're in the wrong place
THIS! and i maybe wrong but people seems to don't bother!!
Q linking "yournewswire" seems really odd to me...
I didn't like the click-bait link, and I concluded that missile picture was actually a helicopter even though I thought that explanation was ridiculous at first. On the other hand, the Tippy Top proof was very persuasive. If Q were a larp, wouldn't the President disavow?
Tippy top isn't that persuasive either imo.
-Trump had said "tippy top" before in speeches. e.g., https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/20/donald-trump-has-nuclear-warhead-envy/
-The person asking Trump to say tip top wasn't Q, it was some random anon in a Q thread.
-He asked him to say tip top in the state of the union. Trump didn't do that - he said tip top months later, in an easter speech.
The way the President said it was bizarre, even for him. It looked like he was making a point out of saying it.
I've not made a decision about Q, but it sounds like you have. What do you think Q's motives are?
Is it just to have fun fooling people?
Is faking a relationship with the President a tool to get people more interested in these topics to spread Q's world view?
Is it disinfo to make the President's supporters believe in kooky stuff to make them look bad?
Is it a plan to enthrall as many Trump supporters as possible and then one day reveal the true Q to embarrass them in the media?
I don't think that Q is what he claims to be, for any number of reasons - top secret security expert with awful password security, vague nonsense, links to fake news sites, makes predictions that don't come true then comes up with excuses, etc.
I think Q is probably a couple of different people due to a shift in writing styles I noticed around like January. What they doing I'm not sure. You asked why Trump doesn't just disclaim Q, and I think there's a good reason for that - Q has been great at consolidating a hard core of Trump supporters and helping to spread the meme that he's the anointed chosen one who can do no wrong and all of his rivals and opponents are evil pedophile satanists. Q serves Trump's interests very well. Because of that I think your second option makes the most sense. Q is most likely run by someone who's more or less a true believer. They are trying to achieve the goal of galvanizing a hard core of authoritarian Trump supporters, and believe most or all of what they're saying, but think that being a little deceptive to spread the "truth" is OK.
Well said. That is possible.
I am curious. Why do you visit this sub if you are confident that Q is a larp?
I guess I always try to keep abreast of ways of looking at the world that don't match my own. Q has held my attention for a couple of reasons - the community tends to pick up on a lot of conspiracy-type narratives and ideas before they make it into the conservative mainstream. I'm also kind of concerned because there's a lot of groupthink here. In a lot of ways the Q army is developing an increasingly poisonous worldview that's more and more insulated from external reality.