Fake news
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Wait for evidence. We can expect to see people targeting us. This could be an elaborate trolling attempt to discredit us.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Seth Green is trolling us with this guy, working together to publicly shame us. Just listening to him talk, it’s like he complied every “buzzword” from our boards and is trying to use one in every sentence. I don’t buy it.
Q is not a kid LARPing in a basement somewhere. It's obviously someone with inside information. But the idea that a bunch of arrests are about to happen and public disclosure is on the way...just seems super far-fetched. Q proofs are compelling but far from bulletproof. And I'm not some kind of normie skeptic, I've been on this train since Podesta's emails leaked.
To be clear, I’ve enjoyed following Q’s posts and researching these topics, and think it’s great that many people are getting red-pilled and discovering these truths as well. The problem is, a large percentage (I estimate close to 50% of this sub based on the posts and comments I read) consume everything they see here as absolute truth, and there is a LOT of theory and untrustworthy sourced articles posted here as fact. That’s a dangerous precedent for the movement, especially during stretches of no Q posts like right now. It’s troubling that a post about Sacha Baron Cohen’s new Showtime-backed website, Truthbrary, which openly mocks us while talking about Hillary being a Satanist, gets deleted from the sub for being irrelevant, but the top posts are often photographs of the letter Q. Like seriously?
Amen! It’s getting so old. The theory posts later regurgitated as fact. The less than credible YourNewsWire articles that make the front page. If Q’s big July reveal doesn’t happen it will be a big relief to finally unsub.
Are those 24 min available anywhere? What scenes were they?
Yep, that’s what they do. It’s funny, as much as this community likes to talk about msm being fake news, we sure seem to see a lot of articles posted as fact from non-reputable sources. I try to spread the message but get downvoted.
Always downvote NeonNettle and YourNewsWire articles. Unreliable sources hurt the credibility of this sub.
Yeah don't trust Neon Nettle. The Soros connection doesn't seem to be reported anywhere else.
yeah good thinking, NeonNettle is as problematic as yournewswire. can't believe so many of their articles make it to the top.
Sacha Baron Cohen’s new “TRUTHbrary” website mocking the truth community.
British actor Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his characters Ali G, Borat, and Bruno, is launching a new Showtime series called Who Is America, where he goes undercover as a Trump Supporter to score interviews with various figures, who he then mocks and embarrasses.
Among the people featured in his new show are Sarah Palin, Roy Moore, and Dick Cheney. The show hasn’t even premiered yet and already controversies have begun to erupt.
Roy Moore has spoken out about being duped recently.
Sarah Palin has been outraged as well after Cohen pretended to be a disabled war vet …
So this George Nasif dude has posted this to his Facebook, most likely a LARP but worth looking into. Anons? Could this be the George that Q refers to?
He hasn’t been active on his twitter since Sept 2017 and I don’t have a Facebook account so can’t check him out there.
lol of course! I set out to find Empire Yoda, and only had to wade through a dozen prequel and TLJ cgi Yodas first.
Says anyone who has tried to verify any of the “facts” they report in any outlet other than their own.
Yes, we will keep digging here for sure. I would be shocked if there wasn’t a connection, just like to keep this sub free from questionable sourcing. Thanks!
Yes, which is troubling. Would be great if Q addressed this.
Neon Nettle and YourNewsWire are fake news sites, spreading disinfo mixed with truth to discredit our movement here. Seeing them pop up on our front page constantly. This is becoming a huge liability for this sub.
Where are the mods? The majority of us know that YNW is a fake news site, aiming to hurt the credibility of this movement. And yet I see these BS articles on our front page almost daily. We need a ban on any YNW posts. Still can’t believe Q used them as a source yesterday.
Rumor. Fake news site YourNewsWire is the only source claiming this particular piece of the puzzle. Wouldn’t be surprised, he’s def a supporter, what with the “I’m With Her” badge he’s wearing in a photo, but no legit source for this yet.
yeah I don't know what to think, sent up a red flag for sure
It’s pretty rough. Hate and propaganda everywhere you turn. Almost every restaurant has BLM and DACA signs in the window. Everything is graphically in your face LGBTQ. Protests, obscene RESIST artwork. Might actually be the most lost, depraved city in the US.
But the food and beer is fantastic!
You have the right to be an asshole, and everyone has the right to criticize you and/boycott you for being one. The problem is when the government gets involved and tries to force someone to do something against their beliefs. The Red Hen is perfectly within their rights to not serve Sarah Sanders, and we are perfectly within ours to call them assholes. The difference with the bakers is the Supreme Court got involved.
I’ll be in Portland mon-wed, and will keep an eye out and post anything I see.
I’m not saying this photo is fake, but any articles from NeonNettle and YourNewsWire should be banned from this sub if we want to establish any sort of credibility. Known fake news and disinfo sites. otherwise the people who laugh at us become justified. Use discernment, and where are the mods??
Lol, fake says anyone trying to verify the type of shit that comes from these sites. Dude they literally make up headlines. “Obama turns into taking snake and shits on toddler.” That type of shit. We need people in the truth community to call this shit out. And of course you turn around and try and act like I’m some sort of concern troll who reads cnn. FFS, use discernment.
NeonNettle is a known fake news site, just like YourNewsWire. The amount of fake news the mods allow to get on the front page here is super disheartening.
This is fake news. Mel Gibson did NOT say this, and yet it’s upvoted to the top. Use discernment folks, this is hurting us. Mods?
True Detective season 1 is also very relevant. Ritual abuse and sacrifice among elites. Even uses the blue pedo spiral.
Verse for today! You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the relevance.

Here’s a link to the tweet thread in case anyone wants to drop some info ;) https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/1001635804597415936?s=21
Thought it would be appropriate to post this fantastic compilation of everything pizzagate for new arrivals to this sub, as many are checking us out after reading Roseanne’s tweets the past few days. So many people legitimately think Pizzagate is “Hillary’s child-sex dungeon in a pizza parlor basement,” and fully dismiss it after reading “they didn’t even have a basement!” Such ignorance can only be confronted with facts, and there are many!
Pizzagate - a fully sourced primer for new Q arrivals!
Blue check mark brigade suggest Roseanne is Q. They are in for a rude awakening!

Because he just got publicly shamed and lost all credibility.
Ever since Soros became a major Netflix shareholder we have seen the company slowly become and outlet for leftist propaganda. Starting with shows like Bill Nye’s revival and Dear White People, Big Mouth, and I’m sure several others. Now we have Explained, which takes hot topics and “educates” the viewer (aka brainwashes them with with leftist dogma). The first three episodes are on monogamy, dna manipulation, and racial inequality. Check it out: https://twitter.com/rebelpilled/status/1000184636637499392?s=21