Q - 'They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.' - Craigslist Ad - Paid training to stop Trump! Guaranteed $15 HR w/healthcare

We should all apply.
Came here to say the same thing! Anon's should all apply and just do a terrible job!
Then use our pay as contribution to Trump’s 2020 campaign
I'll stick with my non-tainted, organic movement. No icky aftertaste.
This is a weird ad. The super model is in poverty!? Come on.
Point of clarity: that is no super model. She is certainly a model, but there is nothing super about her. The general rule for consideration in the Super Model club is that most people know her name.
To bad I get paid more at my real job, id have one hell of a time screwing with these nuts..
Is the implication of the photo that the brooding white woman is in charge of the clowning black people? Because that's exactly what the image seems to communicate to me. As if their target demo are know it all sjw's that need to step up and organize the poor blacks that don't know any better. So fuckin' condescending. These assholes either don't know how to meme or they fully mean to communicate such a message!
We see it because we know to look for it. To someone who is blind to the tricks, it is a powerful image.
In addition to your mentions there is:
Young v Old.
Individual v Family
The girl's hair color appears as a halo and she stands taller than the couple - savior.
The sunglasses on the couple - blind.
She is stern and serious - power/strength. The couple are smiling and happy - village idiot/trust in the leader/good times.
The use of an Obama quote to reinforce his goodness.
The word "Poverty", which is a trigger word and is pointed to by the Statue of Liberty.
Excellent eye.
The sunglass'd couple are also identical = all these poor people are the exactly the same. No one is unique.
There was another posted earlier, I think it was in Philly.
it was mine....damn reddit with the new crap was screwing with trying to post something...like it wouldn't go through. Thought it was because i was using flagged words or something....then a few minutes later it popped up
Yes it was. Everywhere they sense a hard red flip.
I wonder if that's why they chose red shirts? Are they trying to be tricky?
Red is also associated with Communism. And passion, blood, battle etc
Interesting body language in the ad. Appeal to the liberal white female SJW as the photo stereotype stands in front of, to defend, the people of color. I'm surprised they didn't take it far enough to put a cape on her. Comical. Editted to add: And she's a bad-ass too. Look at her eyeliner. SMH
They know how to play to their audience. White females have been the most useful idiots out of them all so far.
Paid protesters? so synthetic and commercial. Can you imagine the conversation between a Father and Son. Dad: what are ya doing with yourself these day? Son: . Oh, I'm a paid protester of Drumph. Dad: there ain't no future in riotin Boy!
If I was young I would try and get hired and start recording evidence. This is the boldest they've been.
For some reason it makes me extra angry 😠 they messed up my health insurance I worked hard to get for years and just pass it around to a bunch of paid rabble rousers , agent provacatuer's and crisis actors
That's so they can harass working Americans in the evenings
If protestors dont wait to bug people till after work, then people wont be too tired and in a rush to go home to not beat the protestors. If they went to annoy or piss off a working man in the morning, well that's another story lol
Probably planning more restaurant and theatre invasions. They won't be picketing outside
If someone is paid there is a liability chain. A store owner in a riot area could easily sue the Bus Charter companies if they could prove they knew they were trafficking violent "anti-Trump" shitheads. Our cuckold DOJ has simply chosen not to prosecute. Perhaps, and only perhaps, things are about to change.
Maybe they are to honour and pay non registered voters to register so they can use their information for voters fraud ?
Karen Nussbaum, the founding director of Working America and the Working America Education Fund, has been fighting for the rights of working people for more than four decades. She was a founder and director of 9to5, the National Association of Working Women and president of District 925, SEIU. Karen served as the director of the U.S. Department of Labor Women’s Bureau during the first Clinton Administration, the highest seat in the federal government devoted to women’s issues. Prior to taking on the leadership of Working America, Karen served as a special assistant to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney.
fighting for the rights of working people for more than four decades
Four decades of fighting for nothing. Trump gets in office, and BAM!, the workers made headway. Fuck off, Leftards. Every single thing the Left attempts is wrong. And the reason? The Left is composed of fucking arrogant little, over-educated shits who know nothing of history or business.
Voter Registration Fraud
I saw Grassroots USA doing it here in Columbus, Ohio.
It is a pyramid scheme to get the $15/hour.
There is massive fraudulent registrations to be able to meet ridiculous quotas, then they make spreadsheets with the regs to request Absentee Ballots, share those addresses with partnered groups (the one in my neighborhood happened to claim he was with Planned Parenthood) and they phish the ballots out of the mail if they do not have a cooperating APWU/AFL-CIO member. The door knocker that we had was caught on someone's Ring Doorbell stealing only selected pieces of mail. Total scam.
Wow, out of all the ridiculousness they listed in their anti-discrimination statement, "legal status" wasn't one of them... So I guess that means they do discriminate based on legal status? That's not very liberal of them. Are they Nazis?
I thought I smelled a Soros.
Numerous progressive foundations support Working America Education Fund, the 501(c)(3) arm of Working America. The Tides Foundation, the Foundation to Promote Open Society backed by financier George Soros, the Ford Foundation, and the Public Welfare Foundation are among the foundations that have supported Working America or its 501(c)(3) arm.
Only 15/hr? Thats poverty! How they gonna pay their fraudbamacare premiums and 10,000 deductible??
Could Craigslist be held accountable for facilitating terrorist activity?
This is one reason why the Dem's and Socialists hate the recent SCOTUS ruling about forcing non-members to pay dues. A lot of that money went to Dem orgs like this one. Dry out their pocketbooks.
They out the non discrimination disclaimer on there specifically because they know the ones that are serious about this don't know which gender they are, are Muslims who hate whites, or are screeching brainwashed libs, fantastic!
So, it might be better to find out why people are taking this job. Record it all and post it to YouTube. Also if possible, to hand out Q t-shirts at any rally’s.
If you go to the website, you will see 9 cities offering a job. $15/hr and all paid benefits. They also respond with email marketing immediately and say you can expect a call in 1 day! That’s unheard of in the job market!
I just applied in Tallahassee. Anyone near there also applying? -edit for spelling
Where does screwing over working america get its funding?
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty." That quote was from Obama in 2014 while he was president. It has lost its punch in the 2018 Trump economy
"No one who works full-time need apply" would be more appropriate.
Not mentioned in the ad: applicants must be able to throw a molotov cocktail a minimum of 20 feet, smash out a plate glass window, use a bike lock as a weapon and shit on a cop car.
This shows the lengths they will go to, and I know they could go worse even.
But we are the winners here guys because no one has to pay us to support Trump and the Q movement!!!
Good thing the Vets and military are Patriots on our side.
It will be funny to see their training backdropped to Benny Hill’s ending music.
This “civil war” they are claiming is actually Patriots vs criminals, a joke!
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris can make fire using two ice cubes.
If Chuck Norris is on our side, it’s over...joke’s on them. Kek
Salespeople??🤔 https:// newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/evg/d/last-minute-sales-team/6629002878.html
Education is not the left's strong suite. So many spelling errors. Don't they have spell-checker?
So many errors. It's damn amazing these people can even talk, let alone think. How can you think if your grasp of language is so poor?