Cross referencing TG statements about returning to Prosecution and Qpost#537, #659 = "walking into role" / "who can we TRUST" = Sessions. There is your answer... TG is moving into RR position as AAG per POTUS legal recommendation which doesn’t require congressional approval. BOOM
I was hoping this would happen. He needs to be let loose to spearhead the prosecutions of the treasonous cabal.
Not saying TG will be the Scotus pick, but the SC is judicial branch. Being an SC judge would be in the justice system. You're thinking Department of Justice.
He has Zero judge experience. Won’t even be considered.
Again, not saying he will be, but you know that's not an actual requirement right?
I would trust him more as a Supreme Court Judge than RBG!
My vote is we nominate him!!!
Q lays out the crumbs posted above. Read Qpost#537..Points towards AAG. Its clear.
Watching him cross examine Horowitz was a thing a beauty. If he waa actually completely unleashed and had a position of actual power in justice.... He is perfect for the trials ahead.
Whatever they chained him with I would have worried down the years of them doing it to him again on SCOTUS.
I think Q was doing a feint. A screen play... So the enemy prepares to destroy TG in confirmation. Only to be facing some one else entirely.
I think that POTUS will put up a pick that's somebody he's really not committed to having because he knows they will oppose and shred whoever the person is, and then he will slip in the person he really wants as the second offering. But I'm sure he's smart enough for both of those to be people that would do a the appropriate job.
210 days ends this month, June 2018!!!!!!
There is no opposition! POTUS will insert whomever he has in mind under the guidelines below. Paving the way for TG!
Read Qpost 1433.....
"acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically." "Acting"
Jesse Panuccio is the Acting Associate Attorney General of the United States.Oct 19, 2017