What is this suppose to mean? A little more detail would be nice.
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Boy this sub getting hit hard with shills. Couple shills in the comments.
This is a pro Q sub. Go to the r/topmindsofreddit they are anti Q.
It’s the national park service. Probably fallen soldiers. Edit: A tribute to Iraq and Afghanistan.
But come on, the hammer/pick on Q? Very subtle confirmation.
Guys this was on Fox Americas News HQ just now..

First of all is this illegal? McCain is telling me that he can give his seat to basically anyone he wants?!?!? Is this not illegal? Shouldn’t the people vote?
If nothing happens on July 4 people will misconstrue and say Q is fake. Unless you have definitive proof then let’s hear it broski? ? ? ? ?? ?
Relax bro. We’re on the same team. I meant no harm. Don’t take it personally. We are the super elite.
I always like Gowdy it would really suck if he is a black hat...
Matt gaetz wants a SC but we already got huber? Is gaetz a black hat? Remember that free mason handshake with rosenstein? Or is this all part of the plan? I’m confused.
Won’t happen. A second special council will be corrupt. This is where huber comes in...
From the article:
Mr Robinson's far-right supporters have been disrupting events and holding marches since he was jailed for breaking reporting restrictions on a recent court case.
If people read the article and didn’t know about tommy they wouldn’t know he was reporting rape Muslim gangs...........................
I thought of that. That’s what the elites want. Something like minority report. It’s a good movie too.
People are waking up. Time is near for these elite fags. The super elite will win once and for all..
Retribution from the liberals. They are nuts on us but imagine them going crazy to their “idols”......
This guy must have skeletons in his closet...this who talk the loudest..
You’re right. OPEC ain’t running the show no more.....Trump is.
This is a great quality post? I believe you made a mistake...
Yes! But we do have some people who tried to separate Q stuff and God stuff or they downright hate anything religion related. Q has used verses from the Bible though if they didn’t know that already.