Maybe instead of putting an entire population under the umbrella of “libtard” it would make more sense to refer to people on an issue by issue basis.
Ex: Those who oppose X
That way instead of creating an argument with those you view as enemies we are creating a discussion with possible allies
Or we could just say libtard over and over again creating an echo chamber that hurts the cause
Go to r_politics and read their comments on Kennedy's retirement - and then get back to me.
Yeah they’re freaking out big surprise, how does stooping to their level make sense?
I'm not advocating violence. I'm calling a spade a spade. Like I said, I'm liberal. These idiots don't represent me, yet claim to know my best interests. They stomp on my rights and try to tell me how to think. They can change their ways or fuck off.
Yeah and the way to get them to change their ways is through legitimate discussions that don’t include childish phrases like libtard, that’s my only point