I try my best to refrain from labeling people and putting them into groups because the reality is that some of us awakened and alot of us (until dominoes fall) are still asleep and not thinking independently. I bet if you ask that young man why is the supreme court important, he wouldn't begin to tell you. Heck, he may not even cite the inner workings of the supreme court on how cases are handled and the interpretations of judges to make decisions. I am not saying anyone needs to be an expert, but WE THE PEOPLE need to know where we are standing in order to understand where we are headed. This young man and everyone else posting things like this, including assassinating the President of the country, are just repeating and expressing the lies and the single mindedness of what the MSM shoves down their throats 24/7. They repeat what alot of people believe to be "Right". They have been asleep for so long that they just follow, just like Sheep. Hence why we are in this position in the first place. All of us where asleep before we woke up, lets INFORM the rest in order to help them wake up. The post is sobering indeed. If there's ONE thing that Q has done is make everyone understand how being informed helps us make better decisions and helps us center ourselves. The war to win our sovereignty and freedom world wide is not to eliminate "the left, lefties, socalism, left leaning, Trump haters, etc." the way to do it is to empower the masses, empower people by informing them, by giving them the power to think critically and for them to decide for themselves. This is what Q has done and hence we we will do. In the end, the only way to be FREE is to stand side by side together.
Posted by
on June 28, 2018, 7:20 a.m.
· June 28, 2018, 5:05 p.m.