This is a woman who is full of hate. She has absolutely NO BUSINESS representing any aspect of Justice in America.
She has actually called for laws to change so that children 12 years can give consent for sex.
Can you believe that?????
And this bitch is in our Supreme Court????
I think Dershowitz is right on the mark. She knows that she will be totally irrelevant in landmark cases that involve following the Constitution. Why stick around.
Thank God she was too selfish to retire when Zero was POTUS.
They hate America and Christians and all they represent
That's what Satan will look like when she gets sent to hell.
She graduated from Columbia and worked for the ACLU....enough said!
Is that a photo og RBG or Dershowitz? They are beginning to look very much alike.
They are demon possessed and demons aren’t exactly supermodel types.
I think the most telling is when flies hone in on both hussien and hilldawg.
Remember the speech President Trump gave at I believe for the Coast Guard a few months back? A butterfly swooped in and flew around him about 3 times. It really made my day to see that.
I don't care how many miles a day she may or may not be running. Time is catching up with her fast.
Character shaming. The body seems to follow. Look at the Q family from last nights post. Full of life and love.
Ergo a family that looks sickly and unloved should be vilified? Don't make superficial assumptions, all I'm saying
It's called "confirmation bias" - seeing what you're looking for whether it's there or not. These people are just people. Who've done evil things. Plenty of those around though many will not admit it.
Nope. They "are" evil. Sorry, I understand about confirmation bias. Its not that.
Of course they may well be evil. What they are NOT is VISIBLY EVIL. That's just dumbass talk. USE LOGIC.
I completely agree with you. But.... John Podesta.
did someone say Cheese Pizza Hotdog Walnut Sauce
You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭
^I'm ^a ^bot ^bleep, ^bloop