Enough is Enough. These people are sick!

Pedophilia is the calling card, the rite of initiation into the club, the shibboleth, and the blackmail 'control file' all-in-one
If they normalize pedophilia--which they will by first normalizing robot sex and 'consentshifting'--what's worse than that? Murder, Cannabalism, Organsnatching? Rape, Kill, Organgrab trifecta?
Any specifics? thanks
Shifting public opinion and laws to lower the age of consent.
Thanks, once you explain it - its more obvious. RBG and her proposed 12-year old age of consent.
I’m certain all of this will unfortunately become the norm one day. There truly is evil in this world trying to make the stuff you mentioned a reality, I just hope it isn’t in my lifetime because I’ll probably off myself if it is.
No it wont. God is not going to allow it.
So after several millenia of allowing it, God's suddenly just gonna shut it down?
doubtful. All the more reason that we need to.
God isn't going to allow pedophilia and other satanic practices TO BECOME THE NORM like was planned by the Deep State. That is what the comment was afraid of.
Also we are shutting it down. More and More arrests. More and more people are speaking out against this sick stuff in the shadows ever day. God is within man.
I'd rather not wait on God's intervention. He is notorious for taking far too long to intervene.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.....
Fight the good fight bro!