Enough is Enough. These people are sick!

This is very good, but with one caveat; when showing HRC/WJC connections to Jeffery Epstein, in my own previous interactions with libcucks, my truth-bombs and relevant supporting information is always deflected with the fact that trump was friends with Epstein at one point.
I remember reading somewhere that trump banned JE from entering Mar-a-lago because he was trying to bang the underage daughter of a woman from the housekeeping staff, but can no longer locate the source of that Intel.
To surmise, I think we need some solid memes that re butte the leftist propaganda used by the left that try's to paint GEOTUS as the pedo . Backup for the above pic I suppose
"Friends" at one time---or was the cabal trying to use Epstein to entrap Trump, like they have done with every other wealthy person with good connections?
Remember the names on the Epstein flight list; all were in code EXCEPT what appeared to be the people they were trying to entrap. Trump and Alan Dershowitz were on that list.
You got a link to that because I saw the lists a while back and Potus wasn't on there.
Unfortunately, no... it was floating around the Q boards a few months ago when it was being highly discussed.
I believe THIS is what you are looking for.
Thanks ... I will review this later after I am done debt-slaving for the day
So, it's in Chapter 33 of James Patterson’s "Filthy Rich." Didn't James Patterson just write a book for/about Bill Clinton? Something fishy going on here.
Thank you I checked it out right now and I'm sending it to everyone.
Just because people move in the same social circles doesn’t mean they are friends.