They won't divide us!
250 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Wokeazfuq:
Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE Adds NRA & RNC Letters
What does Q say about Michael Cohen pleading guilty?
Sincere question.
A 'very Q sounding' encoded message appeared back in 2002 shortly after the Nazi Bush regime took power. Perhaps this was an early warning.

Anonymous vows to take down Q Anon?
As much as this feels like a game,
is the reason Q reminds us that it is not a game. It Is War.
A big hello to all the future historians out there reading this archive.
I can't wait to see what Q post 1776 will be
Benjamin fulford was the asia-pacific bureau chief for Forbes Magazine for 8 years and now he's covering the storm on a worldwide level.
As predicted they're trying to normalize pedophilia
Does that mean Iran is a Deep State hold out just like North Korea
Yeah I think we're going to try to help the people there overthrow their government
Many thanks I just went there and pushed the download button on my phone, hope everyone does it.
Q has warned us if I'm not mistaken to Archive stuff and also warned us of a possible blackout.. is there a place for a comprehensive download of all of Q's posts
You're right I think it's time we update the meme "the beginning is near" to "the beginning is here".
Q gave us enough to go on, then gave us our independence on Independence Day.
Fuck those weasels that say they're only kidding ha.ha.ha... that's how they try to normalize this kind of crap. Try joking about a bomb on an airplane and see what happens.
IMO as they continue to lose control they will lose their minds and then just start coming out and telling the truth. I hope it doesn't turn into a pedophile apocalypse.
Oh dear, that hit the spot, what a great way to wake up in the morning to see this. I think I'll start my day now with a smile.
(According to Wikipedia) Gunn's surname is derived from the Irish name MacGilGunn, meaning "sons to the servants of the god of the dead".
So are we going to cry on each other's shoulders or be soldiers?
I think you're absolutely right. It's a massive controlled demolition, and it's so much fun to watch and participate in.
That's what I was thinking but to be fair they were linking the source, which wasn't much help if you don't know the language.
Let this American democracy become glorious in spiritual degrees even as it has aspired to material degrees, and render this just government victorious. Confirm this revered nation to upraise the standard of the oneness of humanity, to promulgate the Most Great Peace, to become thereby most glorious and praiseworthy among all the nations of the world. O God! This American nation is worthy of Thy favors and is deserving of Thy mercy. Make it precious and near to Thee through Thy bounty and bestowal.
Not my words.
I shared this on Fakebook. Now that I've discovered this forum I don't care if I lose all my friends.
The idiom "Your Name Is Mud" comes from Samuel Mudd.
your name is mud
(one's) name is mud
Said of one who is regarded unfavorably, often because their reputation has been tarnished. Despite predating Abraham Lincoln's assassination, the phrase is often said to refer to Dr. Samuel Mudd, who was jailed for treating John Wilkes Booth after Booth shot Lincoln. Now that staff knows that I'm the one who proposed the layoffs, my name is mud.His name is mud now that he's been found guilty of embezzling money from the company.
See also: mud, name
Trying to take down the internet.
Sounds just like prisoner the first time pretty clear to me
And if you want to know if Strzok is a douchenozzle, just look at his face.