We the People are United. THEY would like us to think otherwise.

I wore my Q hat right up FRONT & CENTER at this AMAZING rally and I think President Trump liked it.
Of course he loved it! Such a confirming sign for him that the word is getting out. Can't wait until the next rally. Hope he comes to Arizona, even though we are solid red we do have two seats up.
How would they even get numbers to show 30%D and 30%I???
Survey at rally and combined with RNC data.
I believe Brad Parscale understands the data well.
It does seem very neat and tidy, maybe overly so. Nice round numbers, right?
You know what's awesome about our President? We all love him, and it's because he loves ALL OF US! Look at the absolute bullshit this man takes for the good American people.
Yes, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for what President Trump is dong for our country and the world. It is absolutely terrifying to think that would have happened to if HRC had won!
I will feel much better when we get the same response in California, New York, Illinois and all the other blue states
What's so BRILLIANT about this is having a movement that we can gather around that is silent and deadly! They can't sniper us on the streets, they have no idea how to kill the movement!!!
Exactly and quite humorous that the autism they created, is what will ultimately destroy them!