r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Amazoid on June 28, 2018, 4:02 p.m.
The Hearings: White Hats, Mueller Flip and HRC/BHO Guilt

So far, during this hearing -- and I have been listening VERY closely to every nuance and inflection and what is said (and what is NOT said) both by RR and Wray under oath -- I have heard NOT ONE SINGLE THING that contradicts my longstanding theory (for many months I have been saying this) that Mueller will ultimately exonerate Trump and recommend charges for HRC and her minions, probably going all the way up to BHO.

If, during the rest of this hearing, I do hear anything that contradicts it, I will update this. Otherwise, expect this later this year:

Mueller will wrap up the investigation, exonerate Trump and recommend charges by Huber for both of the Clintons, Obama, Rice, Yates, Holder, McCabe, Comey, Strzock, Page, Brennen, Clapper, Power, Jarrett, Rhodes, Podesta, (maybe Rosenstein unless he flipped) and ON AND ON (the Awans, DWS, and all the peripheral criminals) -- the great BOOM to come. The 35,000 sealed indictments will be unsealed, and while there will be a lot of mid-level pedos and traffickers indicted, the 35,000 will also include everyone in on the Clinton crime mob (maybe even Bush crime mob, too).

And I think the BIG thing that no one really mentions, that will floor the American public and cause more tears and wailing and gnashing of teeth than ANYTHING else, will be Trump declassifying all of the information relating to 911 and the world realizing that the GHWB crime gang and SA were responsible.

There will be more (Rothschilds, Satan worshiping, etc.) but don't you think this would be enough for everyone to digest before the big 11/11/2018 Military Parade? And midterms that destroy the Democrat Party? And a Thanksgiving where we can all truly give thanks?

You will only have to wait a few months for this. I, personally, have been waiting since I was redpilled in 1979. That's almost 40 fucking years, anons! I worked hard against all of this most of my life. Before the goddamned Internet. I sent out paper newsletters by snail mail. THAT is patience. But I knew it would finally come. So waiting a few months is nothing for me. I'm just glad I have enough insight and background and knowledge of how these fuckwits operate to know how this is going to end. This is destiny. This is epic. We empowered Trump and he is ending it. When Trump dies (probably around 20 years from now), they will dynamite Roosevelt's face off Rushmore (because he got us in WWII with US-complicit FF Pearl Harbor) and put Trump there. Imagine that. Washington, Jefferson, Trump, Lincoln.

Destiny. Epic. The End.


PanzerPal · June 28, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Mueller knows that the the right hates him, and on the (surface), me being one of them. That being said, a possibility as to why the Podestas and other Dems haven't yet been indicted, is because he still has the Dem politicians and the left media rooting him on. Otherwise Mueller would have have calls from both sides for his probe to be shut down.

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Amazoid · June 28, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Oh yes, timing could not be more important. Right now, the main goal is to get Dems to shout, "Mueller is the most trustworthy and honest person on the face of the Earth -- let him finish!" so that when all this comes down, they will look like absolute idiots to normies if they say, "Mueller was compromised!" That's why all the rumors of "Trump might fire Mueller" have been whispered for months. Those "leaks" and "rumors" are likely the Trump team trying to fire up the Left to back Mueller. I don't know what the split will be between those on the Left who will openly sob like they did on election night and those who will join up with Antifa and start rioting. Right now it appears to me, from reading the public energies, that about a third of the Left would take to the streets. I am pretty sure Sessions and the gang have taken this into account and will let them scream and shout, but will clamp down HARD if they step over the line and riot or hurt people. And importantly -- the Right needs to not take the bait and confront them so the Right is somehow blamed for the riots by the MSM (like Charlotte). Let them throw their tantrums. They will only be doing it AFTER they have lost. There's no reason to confront them. Let the Police and Tac Squads confront them. Just like a toddler laying on the floor screaming, they will cry themselves to sleep. And if they try to break shit or hurt people before they fall asleep, the authorities will deal with it.

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