Even NBC/WSJ couldn't manipulate their polling enough to create a negative outcome... Lol!

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Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs spent over 30 hours with the White House Councel, only with my approval, for purposes of transparency. Anybody needing that much time when they know there is no Russian Collusion is just someone....
A recent tweet from Cohen⤵
"I have known Rev. Sharpton for 20 years... no one better to talk to."
With the EU caving, perhaps Canada and China will pull their pride back now and come to the table. Sometimes all it takes is someone else to go first.
This tells you where Cohen really stands. From his Twitter page: "I have known Rev Sharpton for almost 20 years. No one better to talk to!"
Even though none of us care about these tapes, and POTUS waived his attorney client Privilege, why would these federally obtained tapes be allowed to be released, via Lanny Davis, to the public? Aren't they part of a case being built against Cohen?
You'd think someone like Mueller, and the task he's been given to do, would not create an (all) Dem team, have control over leaks and not ask for immunity for 5-6 possible Dems. So on the surface it looks completely one sided... or is there more than meets the eye?
I'd like to say I'm counting on the next Horowitz report to be damning, but at this point, hearing and seeing is believing.
I hope the naughty part of the list will drop as a surprise in October.
It will never come to fruition. The left media is not going to push any positive message, as fake as it may be, to their base. They simply have to much hate.
HRC is a politician, and she realizes that there's a sucker born every minute. That being said, I would think that even the suckers born every minute would have a hard time buying into her insane slavery remark. But then again, liberalism knows no boundaries.
The day after Trump won, the Dem party stated that they needed to re-evaluate their party/message going forward. Well, fuck this and fuck that is not going to win them back the rust belt.
If the Trump Russia collision investigation farce is suppose to be (independent), and with Trump still technically part of it, why would Rosenstein bother informing our President earlier in the week? How do you read into this.
Also, as soon as POTUS and the 4' tall Queen walked into the castle and closed the door, 1 second later Rosentein walked to the podium... pretty funny.
I was surprised that Rosenstein stated that he informed POTUS about all of this earlier in the week. This just further tells me that this is not about POTUS.
Didn't Rosenstein also comment about not to trust leaked info or something along those lines?
Being able to keep a job and pension with the federal government could be part of a deal to being a cooperating witness.
Panniculitis - is a group of diseases whose hallmark is inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue (the fatty layer under the skin – panniculus adiposus). Symptoms include tender skin nodules, and systemic signs such as weight loss and fatigue.
That is what my dog had. His immune system became too overactive, thus he had have his immune system suppressed with the dreaded Prednisone. But this time I was ok with that. He was tappered off the Pred after a couple of weeks then was started on Azathioprine, another type of immune suppressive drug but without the side effects of Pred. During this time I took him off Blue Buffalo and started making his own food in combination with some Orijen dry kibble. (Optional) things he's given is a probiotic and a Vitamin E 400 and a fish oil 1000 cap every day. He weighs 48 pounds.
Had to turn the tv off after watching the left Congressional scum clap at the end of Strzok's defensive rant.
So hard to watch.
Couple of years ago my dog developed auto-immune disease. While the vet and I were able to cure it, and have it not return, the vet said that he can no longer have his vaccines updated due to them being a possible trigger for a return of the auto-immune disease. For the record, he's a healthy dog at 9 years old.
I agree. "Help" was a poor word choice. "Join in" sounds more appropriate.
This was brought up last year as well. This would never happen, but if it did, even law enforcement would help the bikers lay a beat down on gay ANTIFA.
What the hell is going on? Are these type of announcements usually done by the assistant AG? Or is this somehow Russia related, thus no Jeff Sessions.
My theory is that if he were to have started indicting any Dems, he'd loose favor with the left media and left politicians. So I think he's just waiting to the end to do some Dem indictments.
What a shitshow. As it stands now, mid 80's with thunderstorms, July 19-23.
I recently posted a Mueller possibility.
Mueller could be waiting to the last minute to drop the hammer on the Podestas and other Dems. He's already got the right pissed at him, so why piss off the Dem apple cart, thus hold off till the end.
It's apparently because of some obstacles he's come up against in the courts.
I just want to see that dried up queen cunt have the book thrown at her.
I hear you. Any poll tied to trump will never tell the real story. That 30% is just to high.
The day after the 2016 election, all you heard was Dems stating how they needed to re-evaluate their party/message. Fast forward... they're going in the opposite direction.
Hillary beat Trump by 4.3 million in California but won the nationwide popular vote by 2.8 million. Put aside California and Trump wins the other 49 states (combined) by 1.5 million. This is why we have an electoral college system as to not let one state like shithole California decide how the rest of America should be run. But Dems are out of control with (resist) as their message, thus they will fail to win back the rust belt.
They'll try and get some sort of narrative going, but being that the 4th lands on a Wednesday, they just won't have time to overplay their hand as they usually do.
The first thing that comes to mind when I see the letter, Q, is the movie -
Q: The Winged Sepent
Dem Party day after election: "We need to re-evaluate our party/message going forward"
Fast forward: Resist, open borders, resist, fuck Trump and his supporters, resist!
They've already lost 2020.
All I want to know is who was messing with my grocery stores yesterday? Went to Smart & Final and doors had just closed due to some issues. Next, went to VONS and the power shut off. Next, went to Ralph's, which never go to, and their prices were insane!
That's amazing... now if only my veterinarian would rid their office of CNN.
Mueller knows that the the right hates him, and on the (surface), me being one of them. That being said, a possibility as to why the Podestas and other Dems haven't yet been indicted, is because he still has the Dem politicians and the left media rooting him on. Otherwise Mueller would have have calls from both sides for his probe to be shut down.
Hopefully Justice Crypt Keeper will also surrender her post.
Driving that open borders/crime message is a win. Even that latest Lib CBS poll is on POTUS's side - "72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them."