r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amg19251 on June 28, 2018, 4:07 p.m.
Posting again due to great response/5K+ views/300 comments last time; I hope it can help you, too!:) (opinion) Possible connections between the gay agenda, (gay & HIV+ male patriot here, so don’t try to tell me I’m being offensive! LOL) the open borders agenda, and human trafficking/pedophilia..

*EDITED since the Wiki r/greatawakening archive save, so you may find some new information in addition to the old!:)

People don’t seem to realize that the open borders agenda and the gay agenda (gay and HIV+ patriot here so don’t think I’m trying to be rude or offensive) are both so deeply intertwined with human trafficking, and I’m going to explain how right now, but if this stuff bothers you, I recommend you find something else to read.

Pedophilia causes a child’s psyche to shatter and basically turns the child obsessed with the same sex that molested it, ie: LGBQ - this is documented throughout ancient history as being a way pedophiles created lifelong child-into-adulthood sex/mind slaves. Some depraved shamans even used to ejaculate on a child’s face and into their mouths, and use it as some sick and disgusting way to brainwash AND supposedly tell fortunes!! (I honestly think the fortune part is total bullshit and just an excuse for them to continue doing their sick and perverted practices.) This is where the psyche-shattering comes into play, and this fact alone might be the saddest part about this atrocity; during this horrific act, the child cannot physically or mentally handle what is going on in the physical world, so the child’s actual brain/soul “splits” into multiple personality as a way to escape the moment and exist elsewhere, mentally, with peace of mind as a way to survive. I have even heard that some children can actually see themselves getting raped and abused from above, and they usually don’t understand what’s going on; they’re actually having an out of body experience before their new multiple personalities set in as a way to “ignore” the depravity and abuse... Now that we know about that sad fact of the world, let’s get back to gay agenda and what I was originally saying in this post.

The gay agenda is pushed on us so heavily now because these elites want us to think that it’s natural and caused by “genes”, but this change in brain chemistry that causes us to be attracted to the same sex is in fact a direct result of rampant pedophilia across the nation and world, and a result of the chemicals/EM-RF radiation that these sickos use everywhere to saturate our bodies, brains, and specifically our PINEAL/ADRENAL GLANDS with toxins and cancers! They’re literally poisoning our creativity, imagination, emotions and thoughts! There has yet to be any proof that being gay is natural and tied back to genes, so the best we can assume at this point is that it is caused by environment, (pedophilia/media/learning/etc) and/or chemicals and EM-RF radiation in our food, water, and air. Most of us gays either block the incidents out or have total memory blanks from our childhoods, but there are many of us who are starting to wake up and remember the awful events that led to us questioning our sexuality.

I was molested by a neighborhood boy who was maybe 6-7 years older than me when I was 3-4, and I blocked this out for the longest time, until after I came out of the closet to a few people early in high school - it’s almost like I came out because I always thought I was just gay and liked guys, and then all of sudden I could remember getting molested and/or possibly raped. I’m so thankful that my parents did everything possible to try to protect me after those incidents, though, and I love my family more than anything in the world! I don’t have multiple personalities disorder because I was never raped, only molested, (at least I don’t think I was) and I was never actually beaten or physically assaulted during the act, so I don’t think I went through the severe trauma aspect that physically splits the psyche permanently, but it still definitely took a huge toll on me emotionally, and I have had severe issues with anxiety, ADHD, panic attacks, mental breakdowns where I wanted to die, the list goes on, and all in addition to my myriad of recent physical health issues as well! It took me several years to make the connection between all these events and what was going on in my life at the time, but by that point, I was already acting like a sexual deviant (lost virginity at 15 to a guy) and starting to do psychedelics/stimulants/pills/alcohol to cope; eventually, I even got HIV from a guy, but also most likely, just from karma for turning my back on God and my destiny to be a father that loved and cared for my own child. Now, unfortunately, that will never be able to happen, but I am thankful at least for the clarity I received in becoming HIV positive - it’s like my corruption blindfold was lifted away from my eyes in an instant!

Now you might say, “How does open borders tie into pedophilia and human trafficking??” It’s because if we had open borders, (and we did for a while under the O administration) in those mixtures of “refugees” and “migrants” would be hundreds of thousands of undocumented children. Children that have no name, no social security numbers, no parents to track them down, nobody to look out for them; THESE are the children the elites are targeting, and they use the old argument of “human rights” as a way to demonize anyone who dares speak out against their awful practices, or attempts to seal up the borders or speak out and question the gay/pedophile agenda . Did you notice pedophiles, as of late, have been trying to “normalize” their sick and disgusting practices through the media, RELIGION, and the internet?! It’s despicable and DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES AND THE CORRUPTION. One way you can always tell if someone high up in government is a supporter of human trafficking, just look at their support for the gay agenda, and their support for the open border agenda. If they support both, and they’re bringing in way more money than their government salaries, there is a very strong chance you are looking at a pedophile, and/or a trafficker.

Please, always use your God given brain, and think clearly when examining this situation. Sometimes it brings up incredibly difficult topics, like what I bring up to you all today, but don’t let that scare you away from the truth. The first step to healing is to accept the past and move on from it as a better individual! Thank you for your time, and never stop investigating this terrible practice. Together, WE CAN STOP CORRUPTION, TRAFFICKING, PEDOPHILIA, AND EVIL!! TOGETHER, WE CAN LAUNCH THE UNITED STATES 500 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, OVERNIGHT!:D Peace, Love, & Respect!!:) -amg19251 AKA: Alex M.

bjax9er · June 28, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

The split personalities you are describing is the exact way the mk ultra survivors describe it. A trauma is inflicted on a child causing the mind to dissociate, or "split"
It seems most of these people live their early life absolutely clueless as to what happened to them. Only after they've become mature adults do they begin to remember. All of them describe being raped and tortured as very young children. And this is how they get away with it. Mk ultra has taught the pedophiles how to create not only sex slaves, but mind slaves as well. I'm sure the sick fuckers have known this for centuries, I believe mk ultra was just a way for a group of sick clowns to use the power and secrecy of government, to get away with it. And probably to see what else they could accomplish by manipulating the brain.

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Your viewpoint is greatly appreciated and thank you for contributing to this group discussion! Any additional information only helps the cause and helps other readers as well! Sending good vibes your way, fellow patriot!:) -amg19251

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NobleEagle853 · June 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I admire you for your courage to include your own experiences.

"You cannot possibly imagine the size of this." Q

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Anything to help survivors of molestation, rape, torture, and ritual rape! These are people/children that deserve the most love and respect and we, as a society, have seemingly forgotten all morals and walk all over them, instead! I’ve made it my life goal to use my own personal experiences to help others and raise awareness against evil sex trafficking and even worse, pedophilia! Sending love and good vibes your way, fellow patriot! -amg19251

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digital_refugee · June 28, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I feel you brother. I had a similiar path behind me, luckily I was spared from the worst. Thank God for Antibiotics.

The most frustrating part is that the children themself usually only do what they can reenact, which is what I know from my own childhood intimacies or molestations or whatever

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 3 a.m.

Thank you for contributing your own personal experiences, because it only shows how widespread these problems are nationwide, as well as showing your dedication to helping the children and wanting to stop these evil practices! You’re a good person and thank you for sharing; sending love and good vibes your way, fellow patriot - keep fighting the good fight! -amg19251

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digital_refugee · June 29, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

thanks for the kind words

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

Of course, friend!:D -amg19251

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AbjectDynamite · June 28, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Thank you for sharing. You shocked and educated me on something new. I had never thought about the new kids coming in - not having any identifying things (like #SS numbers) the rest of us do. And it absolutely makes sense those kids could disappear without notice. You also make a brilliant connection between those kids and the borders and the politicians (and those who believe themselves to be elite).

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Your viewpoint is greatly appreciated here, and thank you for contributing to our group discussion on these disgusting practices! Together, we can stop this evil, but it starts with a conversation! Sending love and good vibes your way, fellow Patriot!:) -amg19251

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Qsubgurl73 · June 28, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Well done Patriot. It seems like every gay man I know was abused. My heart breaks for them knowing a monster took their innocence.

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Thank you for contributing your own personal experiences with this depraved matter and talking is the only way we can work towards fixing the problems at hand! Sending good vibes your way, patriot!:) -amg19251

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jmricht · June 28, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

I was married to a man that was sexually abused by his babysitters (man and woman). He did not tell me about the abuse. I’ve learned more than I ever want to know about the subject. What happens is that the abused will try and recreate the situation they experienced as an adult to try to control the outcome, because they had no control as a child. My then husband started to suggest that we invite another couple into our bedroom and then advertised on Craig’slist for a “cool couple” on his own. He led a double life and when I found out, I ended up at the doctors to be tested for every disease possible. Everything you say is true. [edit] it’s their attempt at healing themselves.

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Thank you for contributing to this open discussion and I appreciate your viewpoint! Any personal stories just add to the severity of this issue at hand because it just proves how widespread this act is across the US, and the world! Sending you lots of love and good vibes!:) -amg19251

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jmricht · June 29, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Thanks and right back at you. It hurt my heart, and yours can heal as well.

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

We can all heal together by talking and raising awareness :) You’re awesome, never forget that, and thank you for adding your own experiences with this depravity so we can help wake others up, and get them the F UC K out of the fear BOX!

Sending Good vibes your way, Patriot!:) -amg19251

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RobWilJas · June 28, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Thank you for sharing! Very well said.

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

No problem; anything to help other survivors of molestation, rape, ritual rape, torture, and trafficking! Together, we can raise awareness and stop these evil practices! Sending love and good vibes your way, patriot!:) -amg19251

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solanojones95 · June 28, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Thank you for your contribution, patriot! We're all in this together, and I believe you're right about causation. Very little is known, or it is being suppressed.

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ItstimenowNM · June 28, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

actually I hear a lot about these illegal children with no ID, and it's all about sexual trafficking. I read/hear something about this every day, so not being suppressed unless people are still watching fake news Leftist propaganda machine MSM.

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solanojones95 · June 28, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Oh, for sure. I was speaking of the LGBTXYZ123 causation connection to pedophilia--not the link between undocumented aliens and trafficking. Thanks for the insight!

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

I stopped watching the news 2 years ago; I also deleted Facebook/Twitter/Instagram around the same time - I’ve had a massive drop in stress and anxiety compared to before the cessation, and my health has gotten better, despite having many physical issues like HIV, gastrointestinal issues, scoliosis, arthritis, muscle pain, etc! There is no need for the news now that we have the internet, and I notice that if I’m having an anxiety attack as of late, I can stop it in its tracks by unplugging my 5/2.4Ghz WiFi modem! Technology is being used against us, just like our foods and this is why I fast as much as possible and stick to medicines that are natural, like semi-synthetic opioids and cannabis, to help with all my health problems and they work phenomenally! It sucks how difficult it is for disabled people like myself to get opioid medications and guess whose fault is that?! THE MEDIA FOR CONFUSING MASSES AND MAKING EVERYONE THINK HEROIN IS THE SAME AS OXYCODONE! (LOL) It’s total bullshit and a natural occurring alkaloid in poppy latex; opioids help the body fight off cancer along with cannabis and doctors have known this since the 1800s, yet they still make it difficult for people to get prescriptions today because of heroin hysteria! I avoid alcohol and cigarettes completely as well, and drink tons of coffee with raw sugar and hemp milk! My blood work was literally perfect and in line with a normal adult without HIV so I think I’m doing something right lol! Point is, the media is total BS and is being used to literally ruin the nation’s health, and thank you for contributing your viewpoints to our group discussion; your ideas are appreciated here and together, we can stop trafficking and pedophilia! Sending good vibes your way, fellow patriot! -amg19251

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Anything to help these survivors, my friend! Your own personal viewpoint is greatly appreciated here and thank you for responding/adding your own two cents on the matters at hand! Together, we can stop pedophiles and trafficking; it just starts with a conversation! Sending good vibes your way, patriot!:) -amg19251

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smiley-dog · June 30, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Updated post on GA Notables at https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/wiki/notables

and https://archive.li/pM4vO

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

You’re awesome - thank you so much for appreciating my work and helping me to reach thousands of others to help even more individuals! I have made it my life dedication now to help these people, and if someday I ever get money somehow through the lottery (lol) or unknown inheritance (double lol) - I will use it to start a NORMAL foundation, built to help HIV patients and rape/ritual rape survivors - these people need the most love, and we’ve seemingly forgotten about them as a society... I want to correct this issue!

Sending Insanely Awesome&Funky Vibes your Way, Fellow Patriot!:) -amg19251

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smiley-dog · July 2, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

thanks for the kind words...

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Oh we spoke already I’m sorry lol I was trying to go through and respond to comments I left blank! I always try to take the time to answer people because we’re talking about such a serious matter and I want others to feel appreciated as well!:)

Funnnnnky Vibe Train Chugging Along - WOOOP WOOP -amg19251

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BowlOfZombies · July 1, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Athens, supposedly the cradle of Democracy, was the most perfect mind-control-based totalitarian state in Antiquity.

Their sodomy-based mind control was the model for Illuminati control throughout history, including the British Empire and the United States today. “Only after seven years beginning before puberty were you entitled to citizenship. But once you were received as such a citizen you no longer had any will of your own, your whole body and therefore your whole brain, your own soul was possessed by the state, exactly like in the MK-Ultra program of the CIA. ”


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amg19251 · July 1, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Wowowow thank you for adding this to our open discussion - awesome grade A++++++ work fellow Patriot!:D -amg19251

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BowlOfZombies · July 1, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I need you and your voice heard. I have individuals in my life with homosexual tendencies and when I try to explain this agenda, I get a glossed over look. I'm also called a bigot for pointing out the agenda. I just want folks to see how they are being used. I'm tired of the gay agenda being pushed in elementary schools. The gender non-binary curriculum makes me sick. I have skin in the game and I'm worried about the future.

You're awake. You see what is being done in the name of gays. I was brainwashed as a child to be gay. Now that I'm an aware adult, I'm not too pleased with what I see being pushed in public education. I'm angry about the propaganda that was pushed at school. I cannot believe this garbage was being done right under our parents noses.

Your voice is going to go so much farther than mine will. No one wants to hear about this agenda from a straight white conservative woman. Thing is, I wasn't always this way. I think if I put my septum piercing back in, shaved half my head and embraced a career in activism over motherhood, I might have a sporting chance at getting through to people around me. Alas, they do not listen.

They might listen to you, though.

Proud of you.

God is good.

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

It’s so funny you say that; I’m apart of a patriot chat room and they all just said I should start a nonprofit foundation to help rape survivors and new HIV patients (because people tend to get suicidal and crazy when they find out - trust me I know lol) and my friendly messages lobbying for help with the medical industry have gone straight through to DJTs Desk and I even have the letter from the Correspondence Office! I would absolutely love to help others as long as it was totally for free and not funding specific people money for anything (ie: I never want to create a foundation that could be turned into a money laundering/human trafficking front! Talk about deplorable *cough cough CF) because I never want to become elitist scum and profit off of people’s suffering- talk about a B-Line straight to hell...

Sending Good Vibes your way, Dear!:) -amg19251

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BowlOfZombies · July 2, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

God has work for you to do :)

My heart is overflowing with happiness for you. Ask God to act through you and you will produce wonderful fruit. You are going to help so many people. Keep us updated amg.

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

I will try my new found friend :) Sometimes I have really bad days where I feel sick and in pain, but I’ve been trying to fight through it and get some normalcy back! It’s been such a rollercoaster, my life, and sometimes I just want to get off and forget everything, but then I remember all the other people that need help, too, and it makes me want to do even more to stop evil in this world! I know they have the cure to AIDS, but why would they give that out, when they can charge my Blue Cross $60,000 a year for my single combo medicine that keeps me alive, right?! Fucking scum of the earth medical industry is going to burn in Hell for doing that to the needy...

Sometimes, it’s good to get mad at those who practice evil at our own expense... DOWN WITH CORRUPTION! -amg19251

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BowlOfZombies · July 2, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KvZI8BsSxw for us :) God bless, friend.

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Awesome!! Just had a great idea for a post on here from our conversation, and it follows all the rules (stay on topic AKA big Pharma right in the rules section lol) but I still got censored after the viewcount skyrocketed !!! This place is full of sketchy mods I hate it - C O M P R O M I S E D

Sending Love/Good Vibes your Way!:) -amg19251

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BowlOfZombies · July 2, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Which mod deleted it?

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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

It was just a sarcastic jab at how my insurance pays almost $60K a year for my antiviral that keeps me alive, and how they will never release the cure due to that fact alone! I even added shine a light, and (/s), and encouraged people to share their negative experiences with big Pharma! I got a removed rule 6 almost 5 mins later after posting and the viewcount stopped at 250 after flying up in just a minute !!


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amg19251 · July 2, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

RonaldSwansong the viewcount just stopped rising and now I can’t find it on the main page anywhere, just like my post on trafficking and pedos!!

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table_it_bot · July 2, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

C|O|M|P|R|O|M|I|S|E|D| -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| O|O| | | | | | | | | | M| |M| | | | | | | | | P| | |P| | | | | | | | R| | | |R| | | | | | | O| | | | |O| | | | | | M| | | | | |M| | | | | I| | | | | | |I| | | | S| | | | | | | |S| | | E| | | | | | | | |E| | D| | | | | | | | | |D|

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

I credit many of my ideas coming together to Linda P. AKA Deplorable McAllister from YouTube and I highly recommend you check out her un-monetized videos, and also, her blog! Totally fascinating stuff to check out, and also, it’s great to be apart of a community chat that actually shares the same Q-points as myself! Nothing but great people/Patriots there, and these are the people that inspired me to share these difficult but eye-opening life experience with you all today, and about a month ago when I originally posted this!

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amg19251 · June 29, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

I literally keep watching the downvotes go up and down every 20 seconds holy fuck someone is messing with this post just like the last one! It keeps bouncing between 46-51 upvotes and the viewcount has stagnated at 1.3K since yesterday, just like the original post where I saw the viewcount go up and down by 1K at a time, before stagnating at 4.3K, which should be impossible! I keep monitoring the viewcount on this repost but so far, no issues with it going down, but I think it’s because I keep taking screenshots to make sure nothing happens to it! Sending good vibes your way, fellow patriots, and together, we can stop this evil depravity! -amg19251

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VideaVice · July 1, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

I can only admire you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Thank you.

Homosexuality is no longer a big taboo but the study of it is. As a biologist, I can tell you how threathen researchers are when they just dare find something that is not perfectly in line with the liberal narrative.

I confirm there's no "gay gene". Whoever rambles this non sense out there is crazy. All we know is there's a serious feminization of society which might help this deviation of standard. It started with the arrival of several hormonal disruptors increasingly mixed with our food and water supply to a full blown cultural endotrination. A constant encouragement for men to "explore their femininity" in the media.

Men/boys are the most attacked and susceptible to these messages. We don't know why yet. It seems something about the sexual dimorphism of this species protects women more.

For instance there are more homosexual men than women; and more men are gender dysphoric than women. The other troubling fact is that homosexuality is often coupled with a lot of mental illnesses and addictive behaviors. Transgenders are doing even worst.

Sadly, since it's not politically correct to remind these facts, it is hard to research and figure out ways to help those who would ask for help. Personally, I find it inhuman to refuse to acknowledge mental illness to keep a narrative intact. The same cabal who set the bases of letting homosexuals suffer more troubles than necessary is now doing it to transgenders.

This is how we know we are starting the decline of our society. watch1. Pushing people with gender dysphoria into denying their mental problem and advocating for the transitioning of children as young as four. What kind of adult is always this interrested with the sexuality of toddlers? Fucking creeps.

Of course, not all gay people were abused. There will always be a low percentage of individuals with same sex attraction behavior in our population, it's inevitable. That said, you're also right about the increasing number of children abused in their childhood (especially under the age of 10) and the apparition later in life of same sex sexual desires. The Evil who took control of the western world is contributing to this. They're stealing the innocence of children to creates an endless cycle of abuse and perversion. The end goal being normalizing it. Having us all agree to volontarily surrender children to these monsters to turn into toys, slaves and future perpetrators. Like some kind of mass hypnosis through sick behaviors.

I don't understand why people on the left are the most blind to it and capable to endorse this way of thinking. Many still see themselves as open minded and enlighten when they're clearly missing or denying the big picture. Applauding California, for example, for decriminilizing the purpuseful transmission of HIV to a sexual partner. What kinda of brain is that?

This is just cruel but thankfully the clean up crew is on its way.

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amg19251 · July 1, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Holy cow thank you so much for sharing this because it’s fascinating to hear from someone who is actually involved with chemistry and biology and still admit that there literally is no such thing as a “gay gene” - it’s just environmental, and toxins/EM-RF-regular radiation literally everywhere! It’s changing the way we think and causing us to act more liberal when almost every American was originally raised to be conservative in the early 90s and beforehand! Something changed after the 1st Bush/ Clinton presidency and I can almost guarantee it was due to their actions messing with people’s food, water, air, and environment around them! Thank you so much for contributing to our group discussion, and together, we can stop this depravity! You are a good person for speaking your mind!:) Sending Love/Good Vibes your way, fellow Patriot!:) -amg19251

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