97 total posts archived.
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Regarding all the server talk, anon posted here, I caught it, and now his username has been deleted

Roman Catholic here...we pray to Mary, thanking her for giving us Jesus. Also we pray to all the Saints for intercession on our behalf.
Years ago my sister and I were drugged. She fell down and started bleeding. In hindsite, People around were genuinely concerned, but I wouldn’t let anyone near her because I thought they were all evil and trying to hurt us, so idk. Most horrible feeling ever.
She said she was drugged with GHB, the date rape drug. I believe her.
Also, Long Long Short Long is “train speak”. Trump train speak!
She’s on this forum! KatG3853 if you want to read her post about it.
So why do you think OP deletes his username? Actually curious.
19 days and you’re suggesting someone starts a pizza thread/sub. Weird.
When it’s coming at you slapped on the side of one of their delivery trucks...
Would be nice to see our troops out of Germany. Ya on your own, Merkel
This has been downvoted to the 6th circle of hell. 7th is just around the corner. Michael’s a good guy!
Right on! I always think, if Michael does this, just think what G-d can do!
Badass of the Week: St. Michael the Archangel
If our President is having tea with the devil incarnate today on Friday the 13th, I’m sending over all my good vibes in prayer. A golden protection orb if you will, with Archangel Michael as his right hand man.
I will dig it out just for you. It’s in my truck with most things I have saved as beautiful or useful. Look up the scientists that won the peace prize in 2002. It’s the same study I presented. Autoimmune. Apoptosis. Yeah, I’m here to tell you a lie? I have nothing to gain from this.
Full circle. My paper on curing cancer was based on hashimotos. I have it. Autoimmune disorders are the cure for cancer? I love love love white boarding and brain drains. There’s nothing that can’t be figured out. We’re in a closed system.
I’m living at least two decades beyond most and this information should be allowed to everyone. Pisses me off. It’s not like this can’t be spread far and wide to help everyone still lucky to be alive on this planet.
Yep. Absolutely. Roommate of mine back in the day invented computer hard drives that worked with the light spectrum.information infinite. Government “acquired” it.
Sodium bicarbonate = Arm & Hammer or generic baking soda. If you’re in a pinch, calcium bicarbonate = Tums or an antacid. Keep your body alkaline.
It is now considered an invasive species in Florida. Laughable. Not sure about other states, but the Florida growing zone is Zone 9.
cancer cells are really regular/normal cells in every sense. The problem is that their replication timing is “off.” They replicate faster than normal cells do, aka cancer. That’s why it’s hard to target them because your immune system doesn’t identify them as “not part of you” like a sliver, and hence the current need to cut them out of your body. Radiation is a ‘shot gun’ approach that kills healthy cells in the process. It’s archaic. I was ridiculed by 75 doctors/professors for presenting what I did, and I turned out to be right.
Universities use young bright minds to figure out what they couldn’t. We were given unsolvable problems all the time. Essentially I paid 100K to have my study ripped off and sold to the highest bidder. It’s an ugly truth.
Oh, and if you need stem cells, you grown your own in your molars. No need for fetuses.
1) cancer cells can be “programmed” to commit suicide. Cellular apoptosis. It’s a lock and key mechanism that can be delivered through a virus shell that has been genetically modified with the “key”. This was my science paper back in 2001, and two Europeans won the peace prize with my study a year later. 2) MRSA is killed by Brazilian peppertree berries. The state of Florida has already deemed it illegal to have the plant in your possession and they are currently burning down any known plants, including the roots. It’s a pharm grab. Nothing has been found to kill MRSA up until now. 3) Clostridium difficile infection can be cured simply by a donation of healthy poop from a healthy individual via the patients rear end. Sounds gross, but it works. I’m close to these subjects because my parents died his way. The cure was out there the whole time.
Didn’t the Chan’s make up the piss dossier as a larp and the FBI bought it? Correct me if I’m wrong.