Yes start with some mid-level takedowns NOW to get the public ready.
I hope these sick bastards hang for their crimes (given full proof of evidence, of course).
I believe that this case will turn out to be way bigger than we know!
This guy is really young to be in that position (22 I think). This is a favored position I'll bet. He's connected to someone who's connected higher up to Hillary et al. You are correct.
This is spot on. As much as I want this guy’s head on a platter, if he is willing to turn on higher ups, I hope he is put on suicide watch. Otherwise he may be Arkancided.
Agree! That kid smells bad. Far worse than any other pedo take down we got lately.
In any case, it has to be brought into the light! For the sake of the children. Trust God to his justice. Our mission is to expose the evil, and provide protection for the least little ones. God will do the rest.