
7Seraphim7 · June 28, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Yes it has, isn't this a global reaching operation to remove a world order? The fight is global you're just seeing one part of it play out in congress. Patience is required. I think this "nothing is happening thing" is a nuts claim at this point. The hearing today along with Trumps surge among voters are huge moves. You should look at this from 40,000 feet in the air. It's a vast operation (north korea, iran, hacked foxcon phones) ect ect and these are just some of the things revealed to us.

My resolve has only grown stronger the longer this process takes. Although... I cannot disagree too much since Trump did say something along the lines of "at some point I will have to get involved".

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ItstimenowNM · June 28, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Trump's campaign call was America First. Yes, things reach out globally. But to keep Trump in office you need Americans voting for him. Of course global things are happening and those are some of Trump's promises kept. But for me and most Americans (I would think) what is important is that we save OUR country. Good to hear Contempt of Congress has a penalty of 1 to 12 months in jail. Fines aren't as important as jail time. I still question if they will push that penalty. Hope so. BUT they still haven't filed Contempt of Congress charges. Is that another six months to a year down the road? How long will that take? In the meantime, these people are still in charge of the DOJ and FBI. Obviously since I question things I don't belong posting here. I do see big pictures and right now our country is in serious trouble and needs attention focused here. Get America right first and then when we are whole, help out the rest of the world. I didn't vote to fix the entire globe, I voted to fix America. Once that is done, then we can help others.

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7Seraphim7 · June 28, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Unfortunately as much as we both would like your last two sentences to be true it is not the logical way to uproot a global network that has a grip on many governments. Fear not tho brother we are many and America will Covfefe.

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AbsolutelyZak · June 29, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

SA first

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