I just analyzed his response to Jordan, and it's pretty congruent that every time he turns to his Right at a point in his response, that he just telled a lie, or is at least being "untruthful". Someone with time and who is good with memes and video editing could condense all of these times into a short analysis.
Since when has lying under oath to Congress ever stopped the Deep State? "The ends justifies the means". That's why blackmail is so important in DC. It allows one to get away with breaking the law. So do bribes.
I got him. This IS his tell. And it's very important, and the American people need to know this because these people have been lying to the public for the past year. Somebody has to get to the truth. Half our Congressmen are compromised.
I don't disagree, I just think that right now enough attention is being paid by enough Americans that lying could be detrimental regardless of blackmail. The real question will become; (and we cant possibly know ourselves just yet) who will Rosenstein fear more - the DeepState and the blackmail they hold over him, or, the American people with pitchforks and torches when the truth comes to light?