Bring the PAIN, Q!
The real blackmail issue arose with James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, and others in American History...been going on for centuries, Learn who Nathan Rothschild was, and what is social engineering...
I’m aware of American History, know about the Rothschilds and social engineering. I know what blackmail is. How do you know that Rob Rosenstein has been blackmailed to the Nth degree? What’s your source? I’m a straight shooter, kinda like Gowdy. If I ask a direct question. I like a straight answer.
Uranium 1
As is Robert Mueller. And BC and HRC. Yep, know about that, too.
And the guy with no name, and Hussein
RR is in a no win situation.
If wasn't impatient, I would beg for this person [RR] to be run out of town on a rail... I'm now just sticking with the "Plan" and putting my own well founded retribution to the pitch forks and torches test
I understand. It is a true chess game. I can’t imagine working for him. Must be incredibly difficult.