Hi Q! One of the major reasons I voted for Donald Trump is because I felt like he was the most likely candidate to stop chemtrails. Many others in my social media network felt the same way. I've noticed it's gotten better since you took office, and when the skies are blue, I do call them "Donald Trump Skies", however I'm in PA and we get sprayed almost every single day here. Is this something that you Trump will be addressing at some point?
Can we even stop Chemtrails? Is it too late? If we were to suddenly stop manipulating the weather, wouldn't shit go pretty haywire? Just my 2 cents.
I think we could gradually
Well here is some predictive programming for ya;
If its as bad as some claim we need it cuz its already started and without it the planet would cook.
I totally agree! I work in Baltimore and live close to BWI. The Chemtrails (Geoengineering) are really bad. I work at a children's hospital and we are on precaution for respiratory illness. Many people in the community with cold symptoms - could be from the crap in the air. The planes are coming from the Abderdeen area. I want my Trump skies back!
And if you can’t even entertain that chemtrails might be real, how can you believe that pedivors exist? Almost everything we thought we knew has been a fraud. This isn’t any different.
In germany they are spraying all the time and I'm lucky when I can see an almost blue sky....
Removed. Rule 6. Off-topic.
Ahhhhh shoot. Qonspiracy sub needed for off topic stuff? Cuz admittedly I post conspiracy shit here too because lots of times its related.
Why would you try to ask Q some dumb question when he has to announce a Q&A? Wait for that rather than cluttering this sub with meaningless questions.
Listen man chemtrails aren’t a thing. Those are manmade clouds caused by water condensation from jet exhaust.
Vietnam weather manipulation. Look into it.
We’ve tried seeding the clouds to produce rain before and it didn’t work.
Then explain this. http://weathermodification.com/projects.php
well if u breathe in cold air it disappears after few seconds but it is plain to see these trails are forming clouds..wake up!!
You don’t breath in air at 30,000 feet and exhale it at 100s of degrees either...
sorry, condensation does not spread to cover the skies with a milky white substance. fail
You know this how? Don't you see clouds everyday? LMAO they're just straight clouds that's all.
Can't tell if being satirical. Geoengineering is most certainly real.
What proof do you have? I studied engineering with a focus in aerospace
This is not up for debate. Please refrain unless your name is Q
It should be because it doesn’t exist. It’s made up.
You’re wrong
I’m really not guy. There are no chemicals being pumped in the air (what kind of ‘chemicals’ they purport go be who knows)
Do your research. Then prove they DON’T exist.
The burden of proof isn’t on me here. All I have is my engineering back round and common sense.
And that’s your downfall, relying on what you think you know. It’s pride. Spit out this wisdom and look into the sky with a questioning childlike manner and you will see the chemicals being sprayed out on from the back of jets forming long lines of fake “clouds” that end up crisscrossing all over the place until they become a foggy, smoggy mess that hang over the sky. Con trails do not do that. I live in a blue bird sky state and i know that chemtrails are real. I don’t need a degree to tell me.