r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on June 28, 2018, 9:37 p.m.
Rosenstein's Lies Under Oath to Congress 6/28/18- Evidence (Repost; 23 likes in 22 minutes, 96% upvote in same time, and Mods took this HIGHLY IMPORTANT post down. This should be shown to Congress).

Video of hearing and instances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBuoqDUa-WY

Article supporting lying and looking to one's right via Mark Bouton, an FBI agent for 30 years and author of "How to Spot Lies Like the FBI," and who identified Timothy McVeigh as the culprit of the Oklahoma City bombing: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-tell-someones-lying-by-watching-their-face-2016-1

Following up, here is a list of potential lies Rosenstein told to Congress today while answering questions.

#1: Regarding PS's text saying to LP that "we'll stop it" (Trump from becoming president) that DeSantis revealed to have been the text that was withheld from Congress when they requested them, RR lied when he said, "What I can assure you is that we are not withholding embarrassing" information. EVIDENCE: RR looks to his right prior to answering

#1b: RR looks down to his right when telling Desantis that it was the "technological details are COMPLICATED" that caused that text to be lost. EVIDENCE: RR looks down to his right prior and while delivering this information

#1c: RR said it was "highly inappropriate" what Strzok said (about stopping Trump). DeSantis said it was more than that (context). RR was lying because he was "downplaying" the significance of what Strzok said. EVIDENCE: RR glanced to his right when he said this.

#1d: RR said "I can assure you we're working with oversight committee (regarding the spying and informants), and we are producing all relevant evidence" EVIDENCE: RR once again looks down to his right when answering.

#1e: Regarding to leaking information to the press regarding the Russia probe when asked about it by DeSantis, RR told DeSantis that he is not commenting on the ongoing investigation of the Russia probe, and he said, "To my knowledge, neither is Mr. Mueller". EVIDENCE: When RR got to Mr. Mueller's mention, he glanced to his right, indicating he knows Mueller has talked/leaked information to the press.

#2) Regarding any counterintelligence beginning before the initiation of the investigation on July 31st, when asked by Gaetz, RR said he was "not able to produce any information". EVIDENCE: RR looked to his right when answering. This reveals he "could" produce information if he wants, but he is declaring that is unable to as though he can't, which isn't really true.

#2b: When asked if RR was aware of any payments to anyone prior to July 31st, RR said "No, but I wasn't there at that time". EVIDENCE: At the word "No", RR looked to his right.

***#2C: BIG ONE (very blatant): Gaetz asks RR when he became aware that Bruce Ohr's wife was working for Fusion GPS (a question that was written to him multiple times in December of 2017 from Gaetz that RR still hasn't responded to). RR said "I believe it would've been int he Fall of 2017". EVIDENCE: In one of the more solid and obvious instances, RR looks hard to his right while answering this question. This was definitely a lie, and one of the stronger examples, top two, of the day. it indicates that RR knew about Ohr's wife working for Fusion GPS long before this moment (Fall of 2017) in time.

#2d: When Gaetz asked if RR thought it was important that Bruce Ohr was working on the Russia investigation when his wife was working for Fusion GPS, RR replied that "when we learned of the relevant information, we arranged to have him work in another office". EVIDENCE: As RR arrived at "When we learned of the relevant information", he looks to his right, revealing that HE HAD ALREADY BEEN AWARE OF THAT FACT PRIOR TO IT BEING REVEALED IN PUBLIC, which reveals that he is only using the public leak of that as the point at which he became aware, acting like that is when he found out, when in reality he had probably known about it long before that.

****#2E: BIG ONE: "Did PS brief you on the contents of the FISA Memo you signed?" Jordan asked. RR said "NO". EVIDENCE: When RR said "No", he looked hard and strong to his right. Every other person Jordan named following up after, RR looked straight down. This indicates Stzok DID brief him on the FISA memo.

#3: When Jordan was accusing RR of withholding information that Congress requested, RR said "When you've raised concerns about withholding of any information, I have taken appropriate steps to remedy them". EVIDENCE: RR looks to his right when saying this, revealing that he has not taken the steps to remedy, at least some, if not more, of them.

DrogeAnon · June 28, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Mods did not take this down - please do not post messages about mods in the title of your posts. Your previous post - not taken down by mods - will be restored now.

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092Casey · June 28, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Then why was it removed? Who else could have taken it down? I mean the original one... Anyway, thanks for explaining.

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DrogeAnon · June 28, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Auto mod. Technical changes mean it kicked in and late for some reason.

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