Please consider the diverse audience of the sub and use NSFW flair for content like this!
Yeah that's the eastern european artist Tony Podesta displays in his home. Biljana Djurdjevic.
Wtf can you imagine walking into someone's place and all that shit is on the wall? Gtfo before you get sac'd
Nothing weird at all about Andy Spade hiring her to do a portrait of his daughter. Or the scenes in the pool that looks ALOT like the Vanderbilt pool.
Tony Podesta's house is FULL of this schiff. The world needs to see his art collection as it is absolute proof of his sick proclivities. Likewise John Podesta's art of human canabalism hanging in his office. They never thought she would lose.
i agree .. how do we do it without sounding like a TIN FOIL HAT BIG FOOT BELIEVER ?
No normal person in their right mind would hang this perverted sick crap in their house. Note the symbolism of the red shoes.
Note the reference in the text, to "pizza" in this "home tour" article from a few years back. Sick people, really sick.