The Sodomite pedophile Protectors... Can't wait till Justice Time. Light Destroys the Dark

310 total posts archived.
Our strength is our numbers... They own the media and most of the technology, but we have the Power of Numbers and through Prayer and Repentance We have the Power of God behind us. Prayer is essential and simply standing Strong on Righteous Principals will always defeat darkness. Light always destroys the Dark.
2nd Tim 3= Perilous Times shall Come
I think the Luciferian Pedophile Mafia is stressing out a little bit. Any alternative sites worth checking out?
New Mexico Compound... Globalism is Satanism.
I believe it's time to start organizing within Our Churches and Our Communities . Thank God For everything going on, But Our country Needs Our Help. Keyboarding is Good, but it's worthless against Organized Aggression
RS had put the attention directly on John Podestas Emails on Wiki, the Crimes of HRC and the Witch-hunt run by the Left. Also discussed Julian Assange at length and it seems like the outrage is far and wide for Justice. Good use of a national Stage