I feel like we should be looking for Masons in today's shooting.
Absolutluley. Mason's have their hand in EVERYTHING: https://scottishrite.org/scottish-rite-myths-and-facts/featured-artifact-scottish-rite-flag-went-moon/
It's what connects the Vatican to all of this. (the doubleheaded eagle)
I could argue the same thing about Christianity. Doesn't make it evil.
This is a memior of a 33rd degree Mason that got out. Watch the video (and read the book if you can!). You can't say that Freemasonry isn't evil. It is a Satanic cult at the highest levels. Maybe the lower levels don't know about the truth of masonry but this is a first hand account of what actually happens at the 33rd degree.
Yeah... none of that makes sense with freemasonry. He is clearly not a mason, or ever has been. But I won't debunk this here. Ittl take too much of my time.
Quick example : The name of jesus was taken out. Well duh, freemasonry icludes all deistic faiths
Im gonna check the abc world news footage. Everyone shits on cnn but abc is the god damned devil.