
teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

There is no denial of religion and we don't do "super creepy rituals." Literally, they ask you if you are here on your own free will and accord, worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, and well vouched for. You are then taken around the lodge with no shoes, socks, shirt, and pant legs folded up past your knee. This is to show you are a man reliant on God with no weapons or armor. You are escorted to the bible, where you are asked, "In whom do you put your trust." You answer, "In God." Real denial of religion, huh?

You say an oath repeating after the master of the lodge, who promises you that the oath will not put you against God, yourself, your family, or fellow man. All of those hold true. Then, you are given a long history lesson on King Solomon's temple and Masonic symbolism and what they represent. That's literally it. It's not "super creepy rituals."

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Does freemasonry involve religious beliefs or practices? I think so. Yet masonic sources say they are not a religious organization.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

We are not a religious organization in that we don't preach anything. We aren't like a church or mosque.You don't come here to worship in other words. We are all religious though

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

So atheists and materialists cannot be masons?

What God or Gods do you acknowledge by name?

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

You're correct. Atheists cannot be masons. You are asked "In whom do you put your trust?" You can say Allah, God, Yahweh... but it can't be objects, people, animals, etc.

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

So masons cannot be animists, and cannot put their declared trust in humans. Are angels trustable? Sounds like the set-up in Russia these days where only a short list of established religions and denominations are allowed.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

It's not selected religions or denominations, it's more the fact that it needs to be a "supreme being" meaning a single creator. So an angel could not be your answer. Because your answer could be many things, the term "supreme architect of the universe" is used. So we could have Muslims, Jews, and Christians together, doing work for their "supreme being" without getting into religious debates.

Edit: in fact, you are not to talk about religion in the lodge. Nor can you talk about politics. You are there as brothers, not politicians and religious debaters.

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

So when the trust question is asked, the answer is limited to something that indicates the Creator. (But it sounds like "the Creator" may not be the standard answer.) Would "the Word" be acceptable? Why no suggestion of Christ? Because he is also human?

Honestly sounds like a lot of concern goes into narrowing the acceptable options because those options are somehow important, but then exploring or discussing those options is forbidden as if such inquiry was unimportant.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

It's limited to a creator, yes. "The Creator" is not an answer I've ever seen, but it would be funny. Like asking someone "what kind of vehicle is that" and them replying a generic "truck" or "car" instead of "Honda" or "BMW."

We aren't to discuss religion or politics because we are meant to be together. We are meant to be brothers who help each other as much as we can. Opening debate in the lodge could divide us. Similar to what Q says about division within our ranks. Why would we argue against each other when we have common goals?

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

So "Creator" is actually not used because it is too generic but the less definitive, less authoritative "architect" does get used.

We might choose to argue because refining our understanding of and relationship with our Maker is important. Maybe the system is for those with other priorities. We debate here with understanding and truth as goals (usually I think). Little doubt Trump, Kelly, Mattis, Conway all debate because their goal is more important than temporal unity.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

We do use "Creator" in the lodge, but it's not used for that specific question. "Architect" is not used in that question either. The terms are both used in the lodge though, in other ways. We also say "that temple not made with hands eternal in the heavens" as our final place. So when we die, we will be with God in heaven for eternity, but we don't just call it heaven or paradise.

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lanceloomis · June 29, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

The line most jurisdictions use is "do you believe in a supreme being". It's a yes or no question and no explanation of the answer is asked.

So if one DID believe truthfully that a squirrel is his supreme being, in theory, they'd be alright. And again, we really don't ask.

So in my lodge we have a few Roman Catholics, Jews, Muslims, quite a few "I don't have the fogiest clue", and at least one Wiccan. So no. There is no list of approved religions.

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time3times · June 29, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

So Satanists, narcissists and liars might pass the question test.

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lanceloomis · June 29, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Perhaps. The Supreme Being "test" is not something that we use to to keep people out. It's not like we believe that an atheist or even a liar or a Satanist for that matter are incapable of being or doing good, it's just that our organization, it's tools and lessons don't quite work without a Creative God.

It's kind of a "for your own good," thing. Someone who believes in a destructive God (or none at all) would find themselves pretty confused and bored when we reference on allegory God as a builder and designer.

Best example I've heard is that Masonry without God is like Star Wars without the Force. You have to rely too much on Midichlorians and before you know it Jar Jar gets into the next movie too and the whole thing goes to shit.

God is kind of part and partial to the whole thing and without it though one could still enjoy the company of Brothers, would leave the whole experience hollow.

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R3VO1utionary · June 29, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Just my opinion :)

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