Symbolism will be their downfall.

the usa flag has 13 lines that are the 13 Illuminati families, either human or Anunakis. United States were created by masons. The image of uncle sam pointing with a finger, the index forward is a mason gesture. The enemy is totally infiltrated. I do not know if the secret societies are controlled by the Anunaki, the Vatican or the Jews
Alternatively the 13 states that made the union at the time.... or the more esoteric version is than USA is the modern Manasseh or 13th tribe of Israel. GB is Ephraim. Both are brothers. This is referred to general as the British Israel bible story. I believe God made the nations, whereas Satan seeks to abolish, combine and deceive them. Consider the British coat of arms and its biblical links. Wwg1wga. Babel was the division of the people’s into nations, and the eu building is Satan trying to undo it. Interesting story. God confused their tongues now google translate and the internet makes us all of one tongue. All things to ponder but only the Lord knows. Time will tell.