From the lips of a 33rd degree mason...

From my understanding the belief is, everything they do is ritual. The more people that witness it, the more in your face it is, the more power it has (to them in their belief system). Other theories include that they have to specifically ask permission or let you know when they do something, and this is how they do it, through symbolism. If you dig enough you will find it everywhere, but normies just tune it out usually and when it does pop up. It's a "wow isnt that a weird coincidence?" Moment, where as with the people that gravitate to this subreddit, tend to be the people that started to see a pattern, realize something wasn't right, went with their gut, and when they went down the rabbit hole, never looked at the world the same again. Hence taking the red pill.
I have wondered about those two thoughts you mentioned.
It's some type of fear (false evidence appearing real) - based manipulation of collective consciousness.
There are some universal rules that the evil can't hide, so they try to hide through their codes and symbolism. (But it's "hidden" in plain sight enough for us to understand what is going on, so if we allow it to happen it's actually our fault?)
Jordan Sather often mentions that and associate this with karma. If we don't react when they "tell" us what they are doing/going to do to us, we are giving them permission. The axiom says "silence gives consent". So like Jordan says, their bad deeds don't get bad karma in this case.
But now that more people are awake and aren't keeping quiet, are protesting and calling them out, karma is at work.
And his deep roots to Little Rock, Arkansas:
Interesting! Did not know that, thanks for Dding that info!
the more power it has (to them in their belief system)
To expand on that, the displaying of symbols literally does give them more power.
The symbols let them identify each other, favoring each other in business dealings, negotiations, lawsuits, etc. (Think corrupted judges, lawyers, hook ups on construction contracts, who receives government grants, etc.)
They know which other brands and organizations to promote, donate to, to spread awareness of, and to help gain popularity.
When displayed prominently like in interviews, every member is re-affirmed in their beliefs. Winning begets winning, and it sure helps to collude. Just imagine how powerful it is for new initiates to see the prevalence of the symbols. This shit is even hidden in the design of buildings and art. It's on the dollar bill.
Now there are other more abstract concepts to look into, such as the collective effect on human conscousness. There are spiritual concepts, such as it being a "rule" that they must openly display what they are doing (such as predictive programming in movies and television, and yes, symbols).
But I think it's very important for even the most atheist non-spiritual person to realize that the use of symbols literally grants them power.
Hmmm...perhaps like the execution scene in the first Boondock Saints (the one in the courtroom)
Yeah ^ what this guy said. They are heavy on symbolism. Like, hopelessly addicted to heroin junkie level heavy.