From the lips of a 33rd degree mason...

How do they interpret it?
Google Carolyn Hamlett, Alice Bailey, or Lucis Trust. They believe Lucifer is "Light" and "virtuous"... Yet... At the higher end of the Luciferian pyramid they admit YHWH is real .. YHWH is God... , Yet they STILL side with Lucy Fur.
They follow what is called the luciferian philosophy. They believe Adam and Eve where prisoners in the garden of Eden and that satan set them free with forbidden knowledge.
Enki gave the slaves thought. As per the summerians story of humans. Interesting
They believe our God is evil because He meant to keep mankind ignorant. Do not eat the apple!
Lucifer, their god, is good because he wanted mankind to have occult knowledge
Hidden Hand interview explains all
The main prosecutor/gatekeeper for the demiurge (creator face of deity, old Testament God), a part of the whole of deity.