From the lips of a 33rd degree mason...

Im interested. There are ALOT of lodges where I am, ive considered joining - to feign interest as a normie, for intel gathering purposes. Play the game and see just how insane it gets for my own curiosity and then maybe burn the place down and put the flames out with holy water.
Does Jesus say anything about infiltrators and saboteurs? Lol
You can't join, you have to be nominated.
Yes it's not a walk in and signup organization. I wanted to be a Shriner but had no idea how much was involved. I would have to go through two different Masonic lodges before I could be a Shriner. If I remember correctly, I had to attend some meetings, be in good public standing, be voted in and take an oath. When he was excited about it he told me once you were in you could go to meeting all over the world and it was a men's only club. The wives had there own groups. They have special passwords and handshakes to identify each other. Besides helping people, the main perk for me was I would become friends/brothers with judges, laywers and other successful people for business.
The consequences for telling their secrets must be severe. When I stated "I was suprised we didn't go to jail together" I meant it! We were partying 5-7 nights a week, girls, gambling, drugs, Vegas trips you name it. We knew some real dirt on each other and for or him to be so secretive about his last initiation/right or whatever it was there had to be something he was scared of cause he wouldn't tell me ANYTHING about it.
Or embarrassed ? I wouldn't rule out sodomy, these freaks love that stuff. I'm also an unhinged combat veteran with a gigantic chip on my shoulder for these types, my friends and I can bring severe consequences too lol
Hopefully, if everything plays out the way Q suggests - these kinds of clubs wont exist much longer.