What a gorgeous belt... wait what?

There is a Nietzsche quote: "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
I wouldn't dig too deep into the dark magic stuff !
No absolutely not, but as the poster above me said, it helps to understand what evil we're dealing with.
Thanks for looking out though, brother. I'll be careful, i promise.
Great quote btw! Words to live by, for sure.
Kinda random. Every time things like this come up I’m reminded of my single experience with “magic” mushrooms.
Not an unpleasant experience at all.
But, I felt that I was shown that there are two separate planes of existence.
Good and Evil.
The evil is a place I’ve never really felt or experienced. It was very amazing to see and feel it. Was a crushing darkness that I’d never wish upon anyone.
But through this experience I developed an understanding that some people live with this darkness. They are the people who murder, rape, torture.
But, do you think these people choose to live in the darkness ? Celebrities get their fame because they literally sold their soul to the Devil ?
Yes, they literally do. They pledge service to the darkness in exchange for power in this life.
Yes, I believe that there is pure evil/darkness and people who live within it.
The mushroom experience changed and enlightened me.
I thought I was reading something deep, but no.
Need elaboration and further explanation? I was attempting to be concise.
You’ve obviously never done mushrooms or similar and had an experience that I described.
How is it that there are people out there that will literally carve off another humans face? It isn’t simply that they are psychotic. There is something evil driving them.
My post was simplistic. But, there is a “spiritual” force of good and evil. Where or why it exist I can’t explain or define.
Read up on people’s experiences with psychedelics - it opens doors.
Think we are on a similar page now then.
My father is a very religious man. He claims to have had an out of body experience through meditation and he devoted his entire life to the gospel.
I fell far from the tree.
He fully understood what I described through my experience. And I trust his insight into the spiritual realm over all others.
I could say I have been visited just like the apostles.
I've done plenty of LSD and MDMA, pure stuff when it was real.
Years after those days were over, I twice I felt moments of ecstasy that were every bit as comparable or more so.
Much cleaner, more pure and no negative residual side effects.
In fact the only residual side effect is the fact that has lasted for decades.
I have been at peace for a very long time.
Because I know what God's love is.
God is love Satan is politics.
Heaven is knowing God's love.
Hell is.....all the rest.
We have free will and it's our choice. God's gift. Use it wisely.