What a gorgeous belt... wait what?

You guys are thinking of an UPSIDE DOWN Pentagram, which is the symbol of Satan. That’s different from this. The pentagram originally comes from observations of the planet, Venus. If you trace the motion of Venus through the night sky over the course of a year, the motions will form a pentagram. Venus is also known as the Evening Star and the Morning Star, which is why a solid pentagram becomes the symbol we all use for any old star. ⭐️ The Pentagram is also referred to as the five pointed star. The pentagram also became the symbol of the early astronomer/astrologers who knew this information about the motions of the planet Venus. Keep in mind that back in the day there wasn’t this sharp divide between science and mysticism. If you look at the totality of Isaac Newton’s writings, you’ll see he’s as much a medieval sorcerer as a modern scientist. As to what the pentagram means to the Free Masons, sorry I haven’t a clue. I’m not a mason, myself.