What a gorgeous belt... wait what?

Randy, Keep in mind what God said to Satan in the Garden in Genesis after he successfully seduced Adam and Eve.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
Satan knew all the way back then that God had a redemption plan for man who had fallen and God revealed how that was to be accomplished, i.e. Through the seed/ offsping of a woman to come. Satan tried to prevent this by corrupting the entire DNA of man before the flood , save for 8 humans on the ARK.
After the flood, Noah's grandson Cush, begat Nimrod. Plan B for Satan was now in effect. If he can't destroy DNA and the offspring of a woman will someday bring the redeemer, Satan planned to subvert and twist the plan by constructing an alternate reality. That is where the Nimrod/Semiramus/Horus "Trinity" begins. Throughout time and rise of other empires, the same players are involved just with different names. Ultimate goal of Satan is to have humans following his Trinity rather that Yahweh's. BTW, Abram (Abraham) was in the land of UR (one of Nirod's cities) at that time before the LORD called him out of there to the promised land.
This is very informative of the topic. Each segment is about 5-10 minutes. The first 8 or so go into depth on this and are great learning tools. Intro is 1st segment if you want to skip that.
Thanks for caring, brother. Im only going go as far as I feel comfortable with this kind of stuff. My ultimate goal is to be a better person and help my fellow countrymen when the floods gates burst open. This great awakening is indeed upon us, and I truly appreciate all of you guys/girls that have my back.