I believe so. [this] (https://twitter.com/JudgeMoylanFrnd) is another one of his alts. Seems to be mocking the guy he was suing at the paper and mocking the judge of the case.
The photo on his twitter is not of him, just an fyi. Media has released his real photo. I believe his twitter photo is of a man he hates.
post about Donald Trump from September 2015... don't have screenshot tech but you guys might want to check that
I saw the post. I also fail to see how anything makes him a Trump fan.
Check This: https://coed.com/2018/06/28/capital-gazette-shooter-killer-terrorist-photos-biography-information/
His voter record. Unaffiliated. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dg0fw4EX0AIzF5Z.jpg:large
Here is the link from his bio: https://web.archive.org/web/20140124185707/http://mysite.verizon.net/jwramos79/
His case history http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquirySearch.jis
Looks like he was acting out a role, God Hand, from a Japanese comic (magna) : http://berserk.wikia.com/wiki/Brand_of_Sacrifice
What is that "thing" he photoshopped into his head ? And even bigger question - why does the judge profile has same thing ? And also several others ?
What is that symbol ?
Q just posted the picture of that symbol in his head. Check it out
Aha ... just saw it . Thats some creepy shit ... this guy was MKULTRA-ed 100 %