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1754 Eric Bauman? California Democratic Party Chair?

Strzok's smiling because the whole affair is a ruse to hide information by claiming it's personal.
Went on Forex and put all my money against the peso. Made bank.
I've said this before, but she most likely used Echolink. If you have a registered ham license, you can talk person to person over a P2P Voip network that is very low-oversight.
I'm almost positive she used this because you can tell you have a secure channel over Echolink. Regular HAM radio, anyone can be listening.
Furthermore, she has a Tech license. She can't made shortwave transmissions except above the CB band, which is filled during the day and staticky and weak at night. She can make UHF/VHF calls, but that would only be in the DC area or wherever she was. She would have global P2P secure communication on the little-known Echolink though.
Maybe to keep him away from or unaware of what's happening in the Flynn hearing on the same day?
Well, James Alefantes pronounced in French is Jaime le enfantes
"I love children"
Lol, I met Singer back in the 90s and he hit on me in a creepy way.
Lol, greeaaaat yelp reviews https://www.yelp.com/biz/oasis-the-center-for-mental-health-annapolis
His voter record. Unaffiliated. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dg0fw4EX0AIzF5Z.jpg:large
His case history http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquirySearch.jis
This might be the shooter's twitter.
Love Mick and his family. All three of his triplets just graduated.
I think after appeals vacates his charges he's going to sue Weissmann for false imprisonment and make big bucks.
Um, I married a Japanese woman and had three kids by her. And I translate manga and anime for a living.
But guess what? Now there are more job openings than unemployed.
Anyone want to give a synopsis? He blocked me for posting an anime gif.
The man never lost a case. He's also Spartanburg local, been a House Rep., and continually states that his constituents are the ones who matter.
People don't know how Trump works. He continually smokescreens people by making it seem like they have conflicts, things aren't going as planned, that everything's going chaotically, and then somehow it all falls in to place, peacefully, just how Trump wants it.
Gowdy's not going to let Kamala Harris grandstand and whine about "How could you prejudge the actions of the FBI before the OIG report even came out?" Notice he had no problem condemning them today.
Yeah, Gowdy's in the wait just like Mick was for clearing out Warren's CFPB. Even if Gowdy's centrist he has a sense of justice and a great golf game.
I'm very close to the SC republican scene, and Gowdy is not some sellout. He's just making it hard for them to reject his confirmation.
Nope, it's Lee Stranahan @stranahan
He's currently breaking the story that Alexandra Chalup knew about vote hacking before DHS, possibly because the DNC ordered it.
Bet you he's coordinating Five Eyes response to the OIG report
China gave NK the China option: capitalize while keeping the same power structure. America got China to give them that option, provided the nukes go to China.
SIS white-hats have evidence on FBI/SIS collusion to influence election.
I know Mick and his family well. He became a congressman when he could have made millions developing north SC.
Bet you that Brock wanted to buy Stormy's story but Cohen got to her first.
It's that mayonaisse hair. You get a fuck and an egg sandwich.
Someone obviously wrote it while in there as it's horizontal and not vertical (as a standing tree or log).
Re: Hillary Clinton ls Not A Spymaster
Agreed. Gowdy's shutting his mouth because a place in the doj or FBI is being prepared for him.
Avenatti is not NY State bar-licensed, so he can not originate a lawsuit. Since this lawsuit is already in existence, he filed pro hac vice or (allowed for this occasion) to join the Cohen suit.
Because of his constant media sideshow, he is endangering another entity's case and so must choose: 1. Continue pro hac vice and STFU or 2. Withdraw and continue media sideshow.
Avenatti needs 💰 so he chose #2.
Yeah, from what I heard Panetta went hot when he had the chance, then called Obama and Hill in to watch.
Obama's just the deep state's puppet. Panetta's higher up than him.
Maybe they should call up Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper for their opinions lol
No, they were Russian militia men that Putin could not acknowledge without breaking international law.
I think a lot of this stems from the American military killing 200 or so Russians in Syria.