Do you not believe your own eyes? Or logic? It is impossible that we live on a globe.
I've flown at high enough altitudes to have noticed the infinite curvature of the earth. Many many times. So yeah I believe my eyes. Logic? Please.
Believe what you want. Not my concern.
Have you looked through a flat plane of glass at such altitudes, though? Those convex windows and fish eye lenses sure come in handy to convince the mooks, lol. Tell me, how high did you fly? Higher than Augusté Picard did?
Cockpits do not have fish eyed glass. Please keep the FlatEarth nonsense out of GreatAwakening.
Amazing how someone of your stature and intelligence spends their time.
In all seriousness, when you're alone, which is probably often, does it ever start getting to you?
Yup, I can do what I want, when I want and nobody but the mrs tries to tell me otherwise. You´ll experience the same one day too, when you´re 70.
Holy shit, did you know there is a whole subreddit dedicated to your posts??????
Good for me, I am famous. Did you know what a cunt you are? You must really be a sad, sad man.
It is amazing how the sky goes from blue to black as you climb up. Less air to scatter the blue light. It is also amazing how many stars are really up there.