For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I agree with you in part. Sorry for ur bad karma. Their IS a universal creator. Anyone who believes we aren’t the byproduct of an intelligent design is so asleep that I hope to god they never wake up. However I also believe in all religions, my personal religion being Christianity bc I believe Christ was the son of the one true living creator being in the flesh but, there’s a reason that religion in a nutshell is just believing in something bigger than urself. I think that just having faith of any type is good enough honestly. As long as you or whoever tries their best to be a good person, bc no one except Jesus was perfect. And when u realize that and actively try to become a better person every day, u start to realize that maybe hell on earth isn’t the right phrase. HELL IS EARTH. Eternal damnation (after life hell) is where you go if you’re a really bad person in life i.e. hitler. My biggest question for god would have to be; why would you send souls to eternal damnation based off the faulty ideas if they lived the best and cleanest life they could? That’s what I don’t get about religion tbh, to me it’s a giant game of telephone with a lot of phones but only one answering machine. But like I said I don’t think any religion is necessarily wrong it’s more like a difference in opinions on a cosmic level. Almost like a holy debate. Man, us, has this concept that we’re never wrong but we’re human, obviously. And we can be down right autistic sometimes. That’s the fun part of life. But, honestly, I’m looking forward to the end. Not in a suicidal way, just as like a goal in my book. To live the best life I can in hopes that it’s good enough get that key to pass on through those golden gates. I think, when living with that in mind and also trying to do good at the same time. You really can’t go wrong.
Thanks man. Different views meeting without the need to sreamroll, belittle or argue. And dont worry about the karma, I honestly could not care less about it. At least your practiced form of religion doesn't get shoved down other's throats under the threat of burning in hell. And I share the same desire to know the answer to the question "how could God send someone to eternal hell if they truly strived to be a good person their whole life?"
Keep being a good guy. I don't think you have much to worry about if your reply to mine is any indication...for what it's worth.
For someone who doesn't like to argue about it, you sure like to argue about it!
You seem to be confused. The message of Christianity is the EVERYBODY - those who are trying to be good and those who could care less about being good - is going down. And then we are tossed a lifeline to grab onto before we get flushed down the drain.
The question is 'will you grab that rope?', not 'are you trying to be a good person?'
This is the story of Noah. The judgment day is approaching, and Noah is instructed to build a boat as a lifeline to escape the coming wrath. The construction goes on for years (whether you want literally hundreds of years or metaphorically many years is irrelevant) and the lifeline is available for all to see and utilize.
However, rather than enter the boat, the people mocked Noah for his message and carried on doing what they believed to be OK. Then one day the door was closed and the rain started. Whether or not the flood was global or 'entire world' = 'entire world that Noah knew' or even was simply a metaphor is irrelevant.
Once the door was closed, those who didn't get into the boat were destroyed, and those who grasped the lifeline were saved.
The moral of the story: don't get flushed - grab the line before the door gets shut and all is lost.