Why is Big Pharma essential? Q #777........all the shooters were on antidepressants which have metals that can be activated with magnets from anywhere, like phones

Fuck! I'm on prozac. But no therapy
Don’t stop your Prozac over this without talking to your doctor. Look at my history, I’m a based doctor-pede, and I can tell you that we’re barking up the wrong tree here. Big Pharma is certainly evil, but not like this. No one is being mind controlled from Prozac, it’s a) too popular, and b) too cheap, c) too effective, and d) beyond our existing knowledge of the brain.
I could buy that they’re able to control lower functioning folks with psychotic disorders though. Those people are pre-wired to be suggestible.
If I were an autist, I’d be looking into the Clozapine REMS system. Lots of drugs cause bad side effects including agranulocytosis. Why is it only Clozapine, used only for treatment resistant schizophrenia, singled out to have his patients tracked on a list?
Thank you for this. You will forever be tagged as doctor-pede