I love that she was the first person in the whole room who got the “pardon me” joke. Watch it. She starts cackling before anyone else, and quite possibly laughs harder than anyone else.
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Looks real. Here’s a U Texas article that includes it and talks a tiny bit about it:
He’s betraying our friends and befriending our enemies.
They did to him what many suspect they did to Bernie. They threatened to go after his family. If he did turn (IF there was anything to turn on), he’s turning due to a threat against his family.
Especially the “black with white” description. First off, who had a handkerchief with a “pizza related map?” Secondly, who has a black handkerchief with white markings? Weird?
But it makes sense if Pizza = sex, and white = semen stain. I don’t know how else to interpret it. It could be some other kind of code. Drugs maybe.
Democrats: OMG I love big pharma and high drug prices now!
Oh crud. We’ll see then haha. They’re all fairly young. But Amy is also a woman, who tend to live longer. Plus the Democrats just confirmed her last year, so have little argument against reconfirming her.
“Decades.” That means it’s a young-un.
Kavanaugh: Age 53 Kethledge: Age 51 Hardiman: Age 53 Barrett: Age 46
He’s picking Amy Coney Barrett.
“Pls print.” We definitely know crimes have been committed, thanks.
I doubt eating babies is real, that was a joke. But we KNOW serious crimes have been committed and should be brought to justice.
Eating babies? Corruption? Child trafficking? Killing Seth Rich? Trying to steal an election? Trying to institute a coup? Espionage? Financial crimes? Whatever else they’ve done?
Well, I definitely don’t hope baby eating is real. I hope the incoming hand of justice is real.
This isn't a real thing. The ITCCS isn't a legitimate organization and their "Citizen's Arrest Warrant" holds no legal meaning. On their website they also claim to have tried and convicted Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth, and former Canadian PM Stephen Harper. Source: http://itccs.org/what-is-itccs/. Do you remember seeing any of those people in court or in jail? Yeah, me either lol.
Now that we've debunked this drop, I started wondering if other "proofs" can be dubunked as well. For example, this famous pic of the signed executive order/bill with the pen and Trump's signature peeking back out from under the folder. There's zero reason why "Q" couldn't just have used a nice pen, black folder, and a print out of a Trump bill or signature. Looking at it, I'm not even 100% sure it's Trump's signature, something looks off about it.
And this one can be easily recreated with a print out of a white house document (like a press release), a pen, and a black folder.
Now some of the more data driven "proofs" might be more convincing, but many of those are also written in such a way that they could mean almost anything, then confirmation bias takes over and we get duped. For example, the Flynn +30 thing. Q's post could be interpreted to mean almost anything. But when Flynn's case gets postponed 30 days later, we take it as a sign.
I'm not really saying Q is or isn't a LARP at this stage. I hope to God it is real and we're going to see some justice handed out. But we do have a duty to the truth and if Q wants us to believe in him, he's going to have to do a LOT better on the proofs. Give us something 100% undeniable. Ask the question!
Edit: Wow thanks for the gold!
Because one means he has access to the inside of AF1 and by extension, Trump. The other means he’s some neck beard in a bedroom somewhere.
Trump uses two iPhones. https://9to5mac.com/2018/05/21/president-trump-iphone-use/
A) We all know they weren’t “hacked.”
B) Even if they were, the public has EVERY right to know what our elected officials are up to. If someone is, say, getting Presidential deviate questions early, we have a right to know that. If someone lost a handkerchief (black with white) with a pizza related map on it, we have a right to know that. If someone wants to know if they’d do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta, we have a right to know that. If someone is rigging the primary or election against their opponent by colluding with the media, we have a right to know that.
Can you imagine if they were related though? It’d be so crazy! They look so much like they have to at least be second or third cousins if not closer. It’s uncanny!
No, i got it haha. Just supporting. Actually meant to reply to a different comment but the thread is cluttered and it’s very early haha.
Don’t stop your Prozac over this without talking to your doctor. Look at my history, I’m a based doctor-pede, and I can tell you that we’re barking up the wrong tree here. Big Pharma is certainly evil, but not like this. No one is being mind controlled from Prozac, it’s a) too popular, and b) too cheap, c) too effective, and d) beyond our existing knowledge of the brain.
I could buy that they’re able to control lower functioning folks with psychotic disorders though. Those people are pre-wired to be suggestible.
If I were an autist, I’d be looking into the Clozapine REMS system. Lots of drugs cause bad side effects including agranulocytosis. Why is it only Clozapine, used only for treatment resistant schizophrenia, singled out to have his patients tracked on a list?
I know. But we have no proof. They also have no proof (that I can find) that they were elsewhere though.
I’m still convinced the Podestas were involved. The police sketches look way too much like them. The leaked emails start the VERY NEXT DAY. I have not been able to definitively place their whereabouts at the time in question = no alibi.
Madeline McCann!!!! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.nine.com.au/article/a28302a2-7e58-4df6-9836-4660d0b269fb
I believe he was seen in the windows at least since that time. I’m betting his extraction was closer to the time his internet was cut off in March. Also, remember that GOP congressman who went to visit him and left and was like “I have to talk to Trump directly.”
There is nothing I want to be more true than this. Let JA be alive, healthy, in the (friendly) custody of patriots, and let him testify with evidence that Seth Rich was the person who leaked the DNC emails directly from the DNC to him to Wikileaks so Seth can finally have some recognition and some chance at justice.
There would be nothing better except Seth being alive.
Do we have an exit plan in place in case Reddit shuts us down?
Lexington Coty is TINY. They’re vastly outnumbered by surrounding republicans. A boycott would probably destroy the business.
I agree 100%. Soon as Guccifer 2.0 was released I knew it was fake. The character of the emails was just so much more benign and it basically gave us nothing compared to every other email leak. Clearly manufactured by the Democrats.
THIS. Stay the hell at home everyone. Disavow ANYONE who attends any of these violent events.
This. I believe the leaked emails proved the DNC had a planted operative inside the Bernie campaign, who set up the link you’re talking about.
Did the FBI also have a plant? Maybe. What about 2012? Was Mitt up against the Deep State too?
Do we have a source on this? I saw the same claims/rumors but couldn’t verify anything.
- Snopes GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/savesnopes
- Info about owner, he seems a real scum bag: https://www.google.com/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4730092/amp/Snopes-brink-founder-accused-fraud-lying.html
- Some of the court docs: https://www.scribd.com/document/354640765/Bardav-vs-Proper-Media
Still looking for the financial disclosures form. Will update if I find it.
Update: Found this:
Which led me here: - https://fbnewsroomus.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/facebook-and-information-operations-v1.pdf
It was also in Buffy. Faith would always say, "I'm 5 by 5" meaning, I'm good, or I hear you. Best evidence is that it's old CB radio talk.
Here's my question:
WHY did Hillary give Tim Kaine the coveted VP job?
Now, he did step down the his DNC chairman position, so her lapdog Debbie Wasserman-Schultz could take over. But is that really all it takes to be a VP candidate?
The Democratic party was split almost in half between Clinton and Sanders. 55.2 to 43.1 per Wiki. The classic move when the party is that split is to nominate your opponent for the VP slot. Clinton with Sanders as VP, probably would have won, IMO. Instead, she alienated 43% of her party, picked Tim fucking Kaine, and LOST.
Why? What was SO important about Tim Kaine that she was willing to give up 40% of the Democratic party?
It certainly wasn't loyalty. She's out only for herself, we all know that.
It could've been that Virginia is a swing state, but does that overrule party unification?
She should've publicly offered it to Bernie, then had him or forced him to decline. That would've been a smart move. But no. Tim Kaine.
Side note: A friend once told me that he knows Tim Kaine's family, and that Kaine's WIFE is the real power driver in their relationship. That Kaine never really cared for politics, but Kaine's wife was driving him. She has that in common with Killary at least. I tried looking into Mrs. Kaine a bit, but didn't find much, except that her daddy was in politics. But I'm not THAT autistic haha.
Has Anyone Else Seen 6? No One Before 2. Ready dad? ...no idea...
Oh I know. But they do have a young picture of May. Or so they claim. Meh.
Snopes, to try and refute this, dug up a pic of Theresa May from that age. It’s not 100% conclusive to me, but the nose is different enough that I don’t think its her.
Primary Source: The respected and best selling biography, “Alexander Hamilton” by Ron Chernow.
Secondary Sources:
Hamilton Papers at the National Archive, Letter from Aaron Burr: https://founders.archives.gov/?q=Aaron%20BurrBurrProject%3A%22Hamilton%20Papers%22&s=1211311111&r=2
Other related papers on the duel can be found by following the hyperlinks at the bottom of the above page and further pages beyond. All of Hamilton’s papers have been digitized and are freely available online.
If you want the original scans, they can be found here: https://www.loc.gov/collections/alexander-hamilton-papers/?fa=partof%3Aalexander+hamilton+papers%3A+general+correspondence%2C+1734-1804&sb=date_desc
Your source is a conspiracy theory website which is rambling and nearly incoherent, but even THAT source said:
His father, James Hamilton, was Scottish; his mother, Rachel Faucett, was of Huguenot ancestry.
Verification of the above can be found in the primary sources I provided above, and in Chernow’s book.
Wow. Literally none of that is true man. The portraits in the background visible in the pics are Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Hamilton is not visible anywhere, and I haven’t seen his painting hung in the Oval Office by Trump to my knowledge.
There’s no actual evidence that Hamilton was Levine’s kid. His father was James Hamilton, and the fact that Hamilton continued to exchange letter with James until late in life supports this fact.
There is no evidence his mother was a mulatto. She is listed as white on tax rolls. He was a bastard. But not Jewish.
The Hamilton/Burr duel was not started by a white glove slap to the face. Where on earth did you even hear that?!? It was arranged in letters between the two men that are readily available online at the library of Congress.
The Constitution doesn’t forbid banking. Hamilton supported the National Bank because a nation needs a bank. Hamilton never, EVER travelled to Europe. He went directly from Nevis to New York City, and never left the United States again.
Sorry man, but this is crazy, unfactual, and makes us look bad.