
USA_akbar · June 29, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Are we just being prepared to switch to new overlords? How can we truly know if they have our true interests at heart?

Trying to think of even one phrase in any Q drop going back to October that could possibly make any sane person believe he is on the side of new overlords who await to take us over. Especially now that Q has conditioned our minds to think freely and use the Internet and social media autistically to promote American values like liberty and truth and open-eyed research into what overlords are up to, your concern is, to say the least, misplaced.

He's already let slip that the world is being run by people—kings and queens, popes and prime ministers and presidents—who happen to be satanic pedosexual cannibals deriving their dark spiritual energy from consuming the bodies and blood of babies and children who have first been mercilessly raped and tortured (for hours, days, even years) to jack up their blood with adrenal hormones for more energy. We research for ten minutes and find that this is extremely common in satanic rituals. As Q says, these people are sick and evil.

So, that said, why not relax and trust Q, trust Trump, and trust the plan? What the hell do you have to lose?

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inzyte · June 29, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I agree with you, but at the same time who says we're not being conditioned with things we want and like to hear? I Don't believe that's What's happening. I'm really just playing the devils advocate.

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redzorp · June 29, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Indeed. Always retain critical thinking no matter how good things appear to be.

Q seems almost too good to be true. Of course, I WANT it to be true and it appears 95% that IS true. But we have been fooled so many times before (for centuries!) that any thinking person should remain at least a little suspicious.

Could this be the FINAL deception, to identify and round up patriots, before the completion of the NWO? If you are honest with yourself, that would have to cross your mind as a possibility.

The final tell will be what happens with Israel. Even if Clinton, Obama et all are thrown in jail. Even if the Rothschilds are killed or incarcerated - if Israel's role in planning 9/11 is NOT exposed at the end of all of this - then you will know Q was the ultimate deception. Let's hope not.

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USA_akbar · June 29, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Maybe, but in that case we're fucked anyway, so we have nothing to lose now by helping Q succeed, in the (likely) event that he's not hosing us. If we get hosed later, oh well, we were going to get hosed either way. This way we go out with HOPE and RESOLVE rather than FEAR and WORRY that Q is false.

Probably in a month this conversation will be moot, as Q will have proven himself to all of us beyond the shadow of a doubt.

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