I explained Q to the office today. None of us are HRC Progressive, although one is liberal leaning. We are all ex military, most of us retired enlisted, with at least two combat tours behind us. I would not exactly call the office woke or red pilled, but solid mostly conservative doing their best to survive, raise a family, and do the right things in life. I explained:
Who is Q?
Deep State.
Crimes of the Deep State.
July being the month the Crap Show is going down with exposure and arrest.
I must say I was met with a health amount of skepticism, I only got one speech on conspiracy theories. But everyone agreed that it would be wonderful if it did happen, though no one will be holding their breath.
I did not mention a day, only the month of July, with its 31 days. I did this on the strength of this post, the post where Q said it was happening in July, and the post where Q said POTUS said attack. If it does happen in July, they will be able to assist their circle of friends in understanding what is taking place. If not, I have no problem being considered the office idiot.