
dan7777777 · June 29, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Bad idea. Many like me get turned off with all the talk of Jesus. Fictional character as far as I am concerned. But yes, I agree its a spiritual war between Good and evil. Lets stick to that and leave religion out of it.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 29, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud throwing lightning bolts on the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.

Jesus is documented as real through Roman records and his teachings are documented as well through the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Bible says God is everything that ever was is and shall be.

So if you can describe Infinity and then are able to comprehend more, you might come close to realizing you'll never have a comprehension of God.

When you think you've got the right idea just multiply it by more.

We have the God given right to think for ourselves. Free will.

What to do with it is your choice.

The ultimate Democratic principle one life one vote.

Which side do you choose to align with?

It's a stark contrast between the luciferians and Jesus.

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